The provider shall obtain from each family, for each child, all of the following:
   (a)   A medical release, signed by a parent, guardian or person in loco parentis, to permit emergency medical care;
   (b)   The name and phone number of the physician and dentist of the child and, if necessary, permission to dispense any required medication;
   (c)   The phone numbers where parents, guardians or other person in loco parentis can be reached;
   (d)   The names and phone numbers of at least two other persons authorized by the parents, guardians or other person in loco parentis to care for the child in the event of an emergency or illness;
   (e)   Verification from a licensed physician that the child has had the immunizations required by the Ohio Department of Health and that the child is free from all communicable disease. The licensed physician shall also state what allergies the child has, if any;
   (f)   The provider shall maintain at least one operable telephone on the premises posting next to the telephone the fire, police, paramedic and poison control numbers as well as 9-1-1;
   (g)   The provider shall maintain a written emergency plan for substitute care in the event of a provider emergency and shall advise the parents, guardians or person in loco parentis of this plan. The emergency plan required by this subsection shall include the name, address and telephone number of at least two persons eighteen years of age or older who have previously agreed to provide emergency care and who can be contacted immediately and who can arrive at the premises within a limited period of time if needed;
   (h)   At no time shall the provider leave any child unattended or in the care of a minor. The provider shall arrange to notify all parents, guardians or person in loco parentis of any change in day care arrangements or substitute provider;
   (i)   The provider shall be trained in basic first aid, communicable disease, child abuse, early childhood training and shall have first aid supplies on the premises.
      (Ord. 89-98. Passed 10-1-90.)