Each regular full-time employee is entitled to annual vacation leave with pay according to the following schedule:
   (a)   After one year full-time service, two weeks (ten work days);
      After five years full-time service, three weeks (fifteen work days);
      After ten years full-time service, four weeks (twenty work days);
      After fifteen years full-time service, five weeks (twenty-five work days);
      After twenty-three years full time service, six weeks (thirty work days).
      (Ord.  03-46.  Passed 12-1-03.)
   (b)   An employee shall become eligible for leave on or after the employee's anniversary date and vacation leave shall be taken by the employee within twelve months thereafter except that no more than one year's vacation may be taken in any calendar year, provided however that the Mayor as to an employee of an Administrative Department or the President of Council as to an employee of Council shall have the authority to permit an employee to use vacation hours through June 30 of the following year due to staffing or other unforeseen circumstances which prevent the employee from otherwise using the vacation leave as provided herein. For the purpose of calculating vacation leave, only such time as the employee has in continuous service with the City shall be utilized and, except as provided in Ohio R.C. 9.44, no credit for previous employment other than with the City shall be given provided, however, that any part-time service with the City shall be credited toward vacation leave on a pro-rata basis.
(Ord.  20-53.  Passed 12-21-20.)
   (c)   The Director of each Department shall designate the time when each employee may take vacation leave.
   (d)   Except as provided in subsection (b) every employee shall use the employee’s full vacation allowances each year.  Vacation time is not cumulative from one year to another.  No employee shall be paid salary in lieu of vacation.
   (e)   No officer or employee of the City shall receive the benefit of the provisions of this section in more than one employment capacity with the City.  The period of vacation for Clerk of Council shall be designated by its Presiding Officer.
   (f)   If an employee is terminated, voluntarily or involuntarily, prior to taking his/her vacation, he/she shall receive the prorated portion of any fully earned but unused vacation leave at the time of separation.
   If a recognized holiday falls within an employee’s vacation leave, the employee shall receive an additional paid holiday vacation day in lieu of the holiday either at the beginning or at the end of the vacation leave.
   (g)   In the last calendar year of any person’s employment with the City, the vacation pay to which the employee will be entitled in addition to any unused vacation leave will depend of the amount of time worked since the last anniversary date of employment of the employee.  The number of days elapsing between the last anniversary date and the end of the last day of employment, divided by the number of days in the calendar year multiplied by the number of normal vacation days for that person will determine the number of vacation days for which the employee is paid.  A terminal fraction of five-tenths (.5) or more will be raised to a full day and a terminal fraction of less than five-tenths (.5) will be dropped.
      (Ord. 03-46.  Passed 12-1-03.)