The classification plan shall consist of all of the following:
(a) A grouping into classes of similar positions which are approximately equal in difficulty and responsibility, which call for the same general qualifications and which can be compensated equitably within the same range of pay under similar working conditions.
(b) Class titles, descriptive of the work of the class, will identify each class, which may be designated by a numerical class code.
(c) Written specifications for each class of positions containing a description of the nature of work and relative responsibility of the positions in the class: illustrative examples of work performed in the class; requirements in terms of knowledges, abilities and skills necessary in performance of the work; and a statement of the type of experiences and training generally providing these knowledges, abilities and skills.
(d) A list showing the class to which each position in the City service is allocated.
(Ord. 89-10. Passed 6-17-91.)