No permanent or temporary swimming or wading pool, seventy-five square feet or more in area and not enclosed in a permanent building or like structure, shall be located, constructed or maintained as follows:
   (a)    Closer than ninety feet from any street on which such lot or parcel fronts. The "street line" means the dividing line between the street and the lot or parcel and shall be the point of origin for measurement of this distance.
   (b)    In any front yard which includes the yard across the full width of the lot or parcel extending from the building or front yard line to the street line.
   (c)    Closer to any side line than ten feet.
   (d)    Closer to any rear lot or parcel line than eight feet.
   (e)    Closer to a perpendicular line extending from the ground to the outermost projection of the roof of any dwelling or building, detached garages excluded, than as follows:
Dwelling or Building
Height (ft.)
Minimum Distance (Ft.)
15 or less
Over 15 to 20
Over 30 to 45
Over 45 to 60
      (Ord. 90-5.  Passed 4-2-90.)