The Director of Public Service and Development is authorized to issue such a permit for the movement of a building or other structure over the public streets of the City, provided that such person has complied with the following requirements as well as all other requirements contained in any provision of this Building Code or other City ordinances:
   (a)    Insurance.  Submitted evidence of insurance as approved by the Director of Law, indemnifying the applicant and the City in the sum of at least fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for property damage and one hundred thousand dollars/three hundred thousand dollars ($100,000/$300,000) for death or personal injury.
   (b)    Bond.  Submitted a cash or surety bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) satisfactory to the Director of Law, indemnifying the City for any loss or damage to City streets or other public property.
   (c)    Approval of Police Chief.  Obtained the approval of the moving plan by the Chief of Police relative to any traffic control problems involved.
   (d)    Approval of Other Municipality.  Submitted a letter signed by an official of any adjoining municipality where the building is to be moved and which shall approve such movement.
   (e)    Approval of Planning and Design Commission.  Obtained the approval of the Planning and Design Commission and Council, as to the location or relocation of the building or other structure, and the Commission and Council shall consider the surrounding area in which it is to be located and shall consider and take cognizance of the development of adjacent, contiguous and neighboring buildings and properties for the purpose of achieving safe, harmonious and integrated development of related properties. 
   (f)   Approval of Council.  Obtained authorization in the form of an ordinance of Council approving the proposed location of the building, subject to such specific conditions and time limitations as may be determined by Council.
   (g)    Performance Bond.  Posted a performance bond in an amount determined by the Director of Public Service and Development as necessary to complete the preparation for moving, relocation and restoration of the building so as to comply with the conditions of approval under subsection (e) hereof, the conditions of the ordinance under subsection (f) hereof, and all City codes and ordinances relating to the safety of buildings.
   (h)    Approval of Building Commissioner.  Obtained from the Building Commissioner a written statement that the building proposed to be moved has been inspected, that it is considered by him to be in a structurally safe condition and may be moved in the manner proposed.
      (Ord. 63-43.  Passed 7-15-63.)