(a)    On any property presently occupied by a single-family structure where downspouts are connected to the sanitary sewer the downspout shall be disconnected from the sanitary sewer and may be splashed upon the ground surface if the City Engineer determines that the storm water flow from the disconnected downspout will not damage or create a nuisance to adjoining property, otherwise the downspout shall be connected to the storm sewer.
   (b)    On any property presently occupied by a single-family structure where downspouts are not connected to any sewer and are splashed upon the ground, the downspouts so splashed may continue to be splashed until a complaint is filed by an adjoining owner with the Building Division stating that the storm water flow from the splashed downspout is causing damage or a nuisance to the complainants property. The City Engineer shall view the property and if he determines that complainants property is being damaged by or a nuisance is being created by the splashed downspout, the direction of flow from the downspouts shall be redirected to avoid such damage or nuisance or be connected to the storm sewer.
   (c)    On all new construction of single-family dwellings downspouts may be splashed upon the ground if the storm water flow from the downspouts will not pass onto adjoining property, otherwise the downspouts shall be connected to the storm sewer.
   (d)    On any property presently occupied by a structure other than a single-family dwelling where the downspouts are connected to the sanitary sewer, or where the downspouts are not connected to any sewer and are splashed upon the ground, or on new construction the downspouts may be splashed providing the storm water flow does not pass upon adjoining property, across a public sidewalk or across a semi-public pedestrian way, otherwise the downspouts shall be connected to the storm sewer.
(Ord. 72-63.  Passed 10-16-72.)