(a)    Assignment.  The Building Commissioner is directed to assign all residences, apartments, stores, commercial buildings and all other buildings of the City a number. All numbers now in use upon a building within the City shall be deemed to be assigned in accordance with this section unless the occupant receives notice from the Commissioner that the number then in use is improper or incorrect, in which event the occupant shall thereafter use the corrected number assigned by the Commissioner in such notice.
   (b)    Display.  Every owner, agent or occupant of any property to which a number has been assigned shall display prominently, so as to be capable of being seen from the opposite side of the abutting street, by legible digits, the number assigned or reassigned.
   (c)    Removal or Defacement.  No person shall take down or deface any number put up in accordance with the provisions of this section or erect or retain any number other than that provided for under this section after due notice of such unlawful use.
(Ord. 73-52.  Passed 6-18-73.)