1191.03  APPROVAL.
   The Planning and Design Commission shall approve the proposed subdivision or resubdivision provided the Planning and Design Commission finds the following:
   (a)   Not Contrary to Ordinances and Laws.  That such proposed subdivision or resubdivision is not contrary to the provisions of the Subdivision Regulations; or to the provisions of any applicable zoning ordinances or regulations of the City; or to the provisions of any other ordinance of the City, the Charter of the City; or to the provisions of any laws of the State of Ohio to the extent that such laws are not inconsistent with any of the foregoing.
   (b)   Properly Coordinated.  That such proposed subdivision or resubdivision is properly coordinated with adjoining land and with existing streets and that adequate measure  have been taken to provide ingress and egress so as to minimize traffic congestion in or on public streets;
   (c)   Not Contrary to Existing Deed Restrictions.  That such proposed subdivision or resubdivision is not contrary to existing recorded deed restrictions and/or covenants running with the land;
   (d)   City Engineer Approval.  That the City Engineer has, in writing, given preliminary approval to such subdivision or resubdivision;
   (e)   All Documents Furnished.  That all required material and documents have been furnished to the Planning Commission as provided herein; and
   (f)   Abut on a Dedicated Street.  All lots shall abut on a proposed dedicated street or a dedicated street.
   (g)   That the proposed subdivision or resubdivision is in accordance with any duly adopted and applicable regulations of the Commission.
      (Ord. 96-49.  Passed 12-16-96.)