The developer or applicant shall furnish with the application the following information:
   (a)    Vicinity Map.  A vicinity map or print of the City map showing the proposed subdivision and its relationship to adjacent developments, streets and all community facilities servicing such proposed subdivision.
   (b)    Contents of Plat.  A plat accurately drawn to scale on tracing cloth and including only that portion of the subdivision to be recorded and showing the following:
      (1)    Public lands.  Lands to be allotted or dedicated to public use shall be accurately surveyed and monumented and shall show accurate dimensions and bearings of each lot in such subdivision.
      (2)    Accurate description.  An accurate description of all proposed public highways or lands to be dedicated to public use.
      (3)    Control points.  Control points to which all dimensions, angles and bearings are to be referred.
      (4)    Name and width of streets.  The name and width of each street within such subdivision and those adjoining, and such streets shall be named so that there will be no duplication of any existing street names within the City. The minimum width of any public street shall be fifty feet.
      (5)    Area of lot.  Square footage of area of each lot or parcel of land.
      (6)    Identification numbers.  Lot or block identification numbers or letters shall be in progressive order conforming with the Recorder's procedure.
      (7)    Boundaries of dedicated streets. Boundaries of and purpose for the dedication and acceptance of any land, other than residential lots, to be dedicated and reserved for public use.
      (8)    Easements.  Location, width and purpose any of easements.
      (9)    Monuments.  Location and description of monuments to be found, set or to be set.
      (10)    Adjoining subdivisions.  Reference to subdivision plats of adjoining land by name, volume and page of Recorder's maps.
      (11)    Certification by owner.  Certification by owner of acceptance of plat and statement offering dedication of streets, rights of way, and any sites for public use or reserved by deed covenants for common use of all property owners.
      (12)    Registered surveyor.  Certification and seal by a registered surveyor or engineer as to the preparation and details of survey and plat.
      (13)    Protective covenants.  Protective covenants shall be referred to or included on plat.
      (14)    Title, date.  Title of the subdivision, Municipality, County, State, original  township section, tract or lot, scale, north arrow and date shall be set forth on such plat.  (Ord. 66-69.  Passed 12-19-66.)
      (15)    Approval statements of officials.  Approval statements for the Planning and Design Commission, Council, and other officials, as may be required by law.  (Ord. 95-79.  Passed 10-16-95.)
   (c)    Protective Covenants.  Any protective covenants, restrictions, by-laws, declarations and any other covenants which are to be recorded separately.
   (d)    Unpaid Taxes.  A statement or other evidence that there are no unpaid taxes and assessments against the tract to be subdivided.
   (e)    Title.  A statement and/or title disclosing that the developer owns such tract to be subdivided or that the developer has an interest therein such as an option to purchase or an agreement to purchase such tract.
   (f)    Other Data.  The developer shall furnish other data, certificates, documents and/or affidavits as may be required by the Planning and Design Commission and/or Council.  (Ord. 66-69.  Passed 12-19-66.)