After receiving the proposed change or amendment from the Planning and Design Commission, or after the sixty-day period of inaction by the Commission as set forth in Article VII, Subsection 2(d) of the City Charter, Council shall hold a public hearing thereon.
   Thirty days' notice of the time and place of such public hearing shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. During such thirty days the text or copy of the text of such ordinance, measure or regulation and the maps, plans and reports submitted by the Commission shall be on file, for public examination, in the office of the Clerk of Council. Further notice of a hearing on such proposed change or amendment shall be given pursuant to Article IV, Section 14 of the City Charter.
   After the hearing, Council may approve in whole or in part, modify, disapprove or reject, by a majority vote of the members of Council eligible to vote. Any provision of any ordinance, resolution or order disapproved by formal action of the Commission shall require a two-thirds vote of all members of Council eligible to vote for adoption or authorization.
(Ord. 67-17. Passed 5-15-67.)