(a)    The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals shall provide a detailed report of all its proceedings, setting forth its reasons for decisions, which shall include a specific finding on each of the standards set forth in Section 1153.06 as they apply in each specific case as a prerequisite for the granting of a variance, modification or exception; the vote of each member participating therein; and the absence of a member or his failure to vote. Such a record, immediately following the Board's decision, shall be filed in the office of the Building Commissioner and a copy thereof filed with the Clerk of Council. Such a record is a public record and shall be available for inspection during the normal business hours of the Division of Building.
   (b)    Special conditions that may be prescribed by the Board in its decisions shall be incorporated by the Building Commissioner on any building permit issued subsequently in accordance with such decisions.
(Ord. 80-77.  Passed 12-1-80.)