(a)    In order to supplement the regulations, standards and criteria of the Zoning Code, the Planning and Design Commission may prepare Concept Plans for the design, development and redevelopment of business, commercial, office building and industrial areas, and for coordinating the proposed development/redevelopment with the surrounding neighborhood.
   (b)    Such Concept Plans shall be developed in accordance with the objectives, intent and any applicable provisions of the Zoning Code. After such plans are duly adopted, after public hearing, by the Planning and Design Commission, and approved by Council, any new construction, additions to or alterations of, or rebuilding of such a business, commercial, office building and industrial area, or part thereof, and the proposed design shall be in compliance with the Concept Plan for the area. Such plans may be modified subject to the same requirements and procedure as initial adoption should circumstance or condition so warrant.
   (c)    Such Plans when adopted or modified shall not adversely affect to any substantial extent the use, enjoyment and value of nearby property, particularly property in a residential district, whether developed or not; shall result in the least possible burden of City services and facilities and the highest possible return to the City from tax revenues; shall provide for the economic and other advantages that result from planned and coordinated development; and shall be consistent with the improvement and enhancement of the predominantly residential character of the City; all of which are essential to the protection and enhancement of the health, safety, property and welfare of the City, its residents and its commerce.
(Ord. 84-61. Passed 1-7-85; Ord. 95-74. Passed 10-16-95.)