Applications for a building permit shall be accompanied by:
   (a)    A plat showing dimensions of lot to be developed, lot number, information as to any unusual natural or topographic features and evidence that the lot has been surveyed and properly located;
   (b)    A site plan drawn to scale, showing the location by dimension of proposed and existing buildings, driveways, walks and proposed finished grades, the location, distance to and use of adjacent buildings on adjoining lots, the location and size of the garage for each residential building, whether the garage is included in the application or to be built at a future date;
      (Ord. 67-17.  Passed 5-15-67.)
   (c)    Such other drawings, colored renderings, data exterior material samples and other information as may be required by the Planning and Design Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, this chapter and as may be required by the rules of the Commission; and
      (Ord. 95-74.  Passed 10-16-95.)
   (d)    Each application shall be accompanied by a fee as established by ordinance.
      (Ord. 67-17.  Passed 5-15-67.)