No person shall display a political sign in any zoning district which is not in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Such signs may be displayed within the interior of windows on the premises; or
   (b)   Such signs may be displayed in a yard provided such signs are located not less than five feet from any lot line and the height of such signs measured from grade shall not exceed four feet; and
   (c)   No single sign exceeds six square feet per side in size; and
   (d)   Such signs are not illuminated; and
   (e)   Equal access is provided to any person promoting or opposing any ballot measure to be voted upon by the voters of the City on any publicly or semi-publicly owned, leased or controlled premises;
   (f)   No sign shall be displayed on any utility pole, tree lawn, or any public right of way;
   (g)   This section does not apply to flags.
   (h)   When the subject of a political sign relates to a candidate or issue in an election, such signs are displayed no sooner than thirty days prior to the election to which such signs pertain, and removed from view no later than two days following such election.
   (i)   The Director of Public Service and Development may remove any sign posted in a public right of way, tree lawn, or utility pole.  The Director of Public Service and Development may determine the cost of removal and assess such costs to the person, business, organization or entity who posted the sign(s).
   (j)   If, within two years of the violation the offender has not been convicted of or plead guilty to a violation of this section, whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.  If within two years of the violation the offender has previously been convicted of or plead guilty to a violation of this section, a violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.  Each day that a sign not in compliance with this section is displayed constitutes a separate violation.
   (k)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or the Codified Ordinances, any person accused of violating any provision of this section may be issued a compliance ticket by the Building Commissioner as a courtesy to the accused in lieu of instituting prosecution for the alleged violation as provided in this section.
(1)   A person issued a compliance ticket:
         A.   May pay the City an administrative fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) within ten days of the issuance of the compliance ticket as a settlement and compromise of the claim against the accused; and
         B.   Shall correct or rectify the condition resulting in issuance of the compliance ticket within ten days.
      (2)   If the accused fails to comply with the provisions of subsection (k)(1) of this subsection:
         A.   The compliance ticket may be converted to a complaint or notice to appear which shall be filed with the Municipal Court and the accused shall be subject to prosecution and the fines and penalties authorized by law, or
         B.   Additional compliance tickets may be issued.
            (Ord. 03-37.  Passed 11-3-03.)