1121.27  SCHEDULE.
   Each dwelling unit in any Multi-Family District shall be provided with two off-street parking spaces. At least fifty percent of the required parking spaces shall be enclosed.
   (a)    For one building of eight suites or less, the enclosed spaces shall be in a garage structure built above or below ground level.
   (b)    For a building or development of more than eight suites such enclosed parking  spaces shall be:
      (1)    In a structure, all of which is at, or below, the level of the surrounding finished grade. Such structure shall be on the same lot as the main building or on an adjoining lot under the same ownership; and/or
      (2)    Above or below the level of the surrounding finished grade within the walls of the main building.
   For any other building or use not shown, the Planning and Design Commission shall apply the unit of measurement required by the provisions in this Zoning Code or where no specific requirement is set forth in this Zoning Code that unit of measurement deemed to be the most similar to the proposed use by the Commission.
(Ord. 95-68.  Passed 10-16-95.)