The following definitions and standards shall be used to determine accessory off-street parking requirements:
   (a)    "Accessory parking space" means an open or enclosed area (garage) directly accessible from a public street for parking of motor vehicles of owners, occupants, employees, customers or tenants of the main building or use. Each space shall be directly accessible from a drive or aisle, and shall have a minimum rectangular dimension of not less than nine feet in width and eighteen feet in length for ninety degree parking; nine feet in width and twenty-two feet in length for parallel parking; ten feet in width and eighteen feet in length for sixty degree parking and twelve feet in width and eighteen feet in length for forty-five degree parking, exclusive of all drives, aisles, ramps and other circulation areas, and determined from an accurate plan of the area.
   (b)    Required Minimum Parking Spaces. Where the computation results in a fractional unit, one additional off-street parking space shall be provided.
      (Ord. 84-94. Passed 6-17-85.)