1105.17  USE.
   (a)    "Use" means any purpose for which buildings, other structures or land may be arranged, designed, intended, maintained or occupied, or any occupation, business, activity or operation carried on in a building or other structure or zoning lot.
   (b)    "Main use" means the principal purpose of or activity in a building, other structure or zoning lot.
   (c)    "Accessory use" means a use, located on the same zoning lot which the main use of building or land, but incidental to the main use of the main building or land.
   (d)    "Similar use" means a use similar to the permitted buildings and uses in a zoning district as determined by the Planning and Design Commission in accordance with the following criteria:
      (1)    That such a use is not listed in any other classification of permitted buildings and uses; and
      (2)    That such a use does not create traffic to a greater extent than the other permitted buildings and uses of the particular zoning district; and
      (3)    That such a use does not create dangers to health and safety, and does not create offensive noise, vibration, air pollution, glare or other objectionable  influences greater than normally resulting from other permitted buildings and uses of the particular zoning district; and
      (4)    That such a use would be an asset to the community and be related more closely to the basic characteristics of the particular zoning district than to any other zoning district.  (Ord. 82-21.  Passed 6-7-82.)
   (e)    "Conditional use" means a use which is permitted in a zoning district as regulated by the provisions of the Zoning Code, approved by the Planning and Design Commission and Council, and which meets special conditions of use.
(Ord. 86-22.  Passed 4-4-88.)