(a)    In enforcing the provisions of this chapter, the Director of Public Service and Development, or his duly authorized representative, bearing proper credentials and identification, may at any reasonable hour enter upon any premises. No person shall obstruct, hamper or interfere with him while performing these duties. The Director may enter any property to:
      (1)    Determine the size, depth and location of any connection with a public sewer or public storm drain;
      (2)    Determine the quantity and nature of industrial waste being discharged into any public sewer, public storm drain or watercourse;
      (3)    Inspect, test and sample the discharge of any device used to prevent the discharge into any sewer, storm drain or watercourse of waste prohibited by this section;
      (4)    Determine the location of roof, swimming pool and surface drains, and whether they are connected to a street gutter, storm drain or sewer;
      (5)    Determine the nature and quantity of flow in any open watercourse or storm drain;
      (6)    Determine whether there is a violation of the provisions of this section; and
      (7)    Exercise any other powers vested in him by this section.
   (b)    On entering any lot or parcel of land for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (a) hereof, the Director or any employee designated by him may make the excavation and do such other work as may be necessary to make the tests herein authorized. Upon completion of the tests, the Director shall cause the premises to be restored as nearly as practicable to their condition before such tests were made.
   (c)    The City shall reserve the right to inspect any sewer contributing flow to the City collection system suspected of being in violation of this chapter. The inspection shall be made after proper notification to the potential violating entity. If the subject entity is determined to be in violation of proper maintenance, the cost of the inspection shall be borne by the violating entity. The City shall notify the subject entity that they are in violation of proper maintenance and shall further stipulate a reasonable time period for correcting the violation.
   (d)    The Director may inspect, as often as he may deem necessary, every public sewer, sewage pumping plant, sewage or industrial waste treatment plant, or facility, industrial connection sewer, interceptor, dilution basin, neutralization basin, or other similar appurtenance to ascertain whether the facilities are maintained and operated in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (e)    The Director may require the installation of a manhole for the purpose of measuring the flow of sewage or for making periodic tests of the wastes from the sewer connection at the owner's expense.
   (f)    No person shall install, construct or place any permanent or temporary object or structure where it will interfere with ready and easy access to any pretreatment or treatment facility, sampling compartment, manhole, flow metering device, or any instrumentality for which a permit is required by this section. Any obstruction shall be removed upon order of the Director by the person responsible for it and at no expense to the City.
   (g)    It shall be the duty of the person to whom a sewer permit has been issued, on completion of any connection to be installed thereunder, to notify the Building Commissioner for inspection purposes and obtain his approval thereof before proceeding to cover any such connection or to fill the trench in which any such connection is located. The Building Commissioner shall, on receipt of such notification and without unnecessary delay, inspect the same and, if the connection as constructed conforms to the City's regulations and specifications, he shall approve same and endorse such approval on the copy of the permit.
   (h)    If, on the inspection of any such connection, the Building Commissioner shall find the same not constructed in accordance with the City's regulations and specifications, he shall indicate to the person in charge of the work in what particulars such connection fails to so conform, and the Building Commissioner shall order changes made therein to cause the work to so conform before giving his final approval thereof.
   (i)    When the Building Commissioner is satisfied that all work done to rectify a violation is completed, he shall reserve the right to inspect the work to see that it conforms to the requirements of this chapter and other such provisions of law as may be applicable.
   (j)    All fees received by the City under this section shall be deposited in the appropriate sewer fund to be maintained by the Director of Finance.
(Ord. 12-40.  Passed 11-19-12.)