(a)    No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use, alter or disturb public or private sanitary or combined sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a permit from the City.
   (b)    No sewer, or system of sewers, shall be constructed, which connects either directly or indirectly to sanitary sewerage facilities controlled by the City until the owner of the sewer, or system of sewers, can demonstrate to the City that quality of the wastewater to be conveyed by this sewer can meet the requirements of this sewer use chapter.
   (c)    No permit shall be issued to connect a house sewer to a public sewer if the connection of any portion thereof is in, under or on a lot not owned by the person whose house is to be connected and if no recorded easement exists authorizing the connection on such lot.
   (d)    No permit to connect to or tap a public sewer shall be issued if the sewage to be discharged would, in the opinion of the Director of Public Service and Development, overload any public sewer or downstream facilities including pump stations and/or treatment plants.
   (e)    When, in the opinion of the Director of Public Service and Development, it is necessary to connect a house connection sewer to a public sewer at a point where no connection facility has been provided, application for the public sewer tap shall be submitted and a separate fee for each tap shall be paid by the applicant before the permit is issued for the construction of the house connection sewer.
   (f)    No person other than an authorized employee of the City shall in any way tamper with, remove or otherwise move or disturb any street manhole cover of a City sewer or sewer opening without first obtaining permission from the Director of Public Service and Development.
   (g)    No person, firm or corporation shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any natural outlet or storm sewer any sanitary sewage or other polluted waters. Effluent from privately owned individual household disposal devices shall not be discharged to storm sewers.
   (h)    The Director of Public Service and Development or any employee of the City designated by him may enter on any lot or parcel of land and open any test tee thereon to determine whether or not any sewer or sewer connection is blocked on the lot, parcel of land or in the public street in front of the same and to determine whether the sewer connections are connected to the proper sewer.
(Ord. 12-40.  Passed 11-19-12.)