(a)   (1)    No person, firm or corporation shall discharge or cause to be discharged, either directly or indirectly, any storm water, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water or unpolluted industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer.
      (2)    Any connections made either before or after the effective date of this section shall be considered illegal and shall be subject to immediate removal by the owner of the premise so connected and at such owner's expense.
      (3)    The Director of Public Service and Development or a designee thereof may enter upon any lot or parcel of land within the City and test any downspout on any building thereon to determine whether or not it discharges water into any sanitary sewer.
      (4)    Should the owner of an illegally connected premise fail to remove the connection within fifteen days, the City shall cause the connection to be removed, charging the owner the full costs of such removal.
   (b)    Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged into sewers which are specifically designed and designated as storm sewers or to a combined sewer or a natural outlet approved by the City.
   (c)    No person, firm, corporation or municipality constructing a sanitary sewer, building or house connection, shall leave same open, unsealed or incomplete in such a fashion as to permit storm, surface or subsurface water to enter the sewers.
   (d)    No person shall open, enter or allow to remain open, any manhole in any public sewer without a permit from the Director.
   (e)    All parcels of land located on the south side of Lorain Road in the City and being further described as the various parcels of land lying immediately easterly of 20777 Lorain Road (Permanent Parcel No. 322-3-3) and the westerly line of 20123 Lorain Road (Permanent Parcel No. 322-5-10) and including all parcels lying between such easterly and westerly lines are required to direct all storm waters into the ravine lying along the southerly line of such parcels.
(Ord. 12-40.  Passed 11-19-12.)