For the purposes of this chapter, the words and phrases defined in this section shall have the meaning set forth in this section.
   (a)   "Chlorofluorocarbon" means the family of substances containing carbon, fluorine and chlorine, and having no hydrogen atoms and no double bonds and including, but not limited to, CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, CFC-115, Halon 1211, Halon 1301 and Halon 2402.
   (b)   "Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) - processed food packaging" means any food packaging which uses chlorofluorocarbons as blowing agents in its manufacture.
   (c)   "Customer" means anyone purchasing or receiving food or beverages from a restaurant or a retail food vendor.
   (d)   "Environmentally acceptable packaging" means and includes the following:
      (1)   "Biodegradable packaging" means packaging capable of being broken down or converted by fungi, bacteria or other microorganisms or other natural elements from a complex molecular structure to simple gases and organic compounds or basic elements.
      (2)   "Degradable packaging" means packaging made of cellulose-based or other substances that are capable of being attacked, decomposed, assimilated and otherwise completely oxidized or broken down by bacteria or other natural biological or biochemical processes into carbonaceous soil material or water and carbon dioxide.
      (3)   "Recyclable packaging" means packaging made of materials that are separable from solid waste by the generator or during collection and that is currently collected for recycling and are capable of being recycled.  Packaging shall be considered to be recyclable if and when it is collected for recycling.  Recyclable describes material that is utilized as a raw material in the manufacture of a new product or new economic use.
      (4)   "Returnable packaging" means food or beverage containers or packages, such as, but not limited to, soft drink bottles and containers and milk bottles and containers that are capable of being returned to the distributor, such as, but not limited to, dairy and soft drink bottlers, for reuse as the same or similar food or beverage containers at least once.
      (5)   Any and all chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) processed food packaging is hereby deemed and declared to be not environmentally acceptable packaging.
      (6)   "Prepared food" means food or beverages which are prepared on the premises of the vendor by cooking, chopping, slicing, mixing, freezing or squeezing, and which requires no further preparation for consumption.  "Prepared food" does not include any raw or uncooked meat product or fruits or vegetables which are not chopped, squeezed or mixed.
   (f)   "Packaging" means and includes all food-related wrappings, adhesives, cards, bindings, strings, tapes, ribbons, bags, sacks, boxes, coverings and containers; and further includes lids, cups, glasses, cartons and similar containers for drinking out of or for holding liquids, and plates and serving trays, but the word "packaging" specifically excludes plastic knives, forks and spoons sold or intended for use as utensils and any plastic covers, covering material, food container lids and straws.
   (g)   "Restaurant" means any establishment located within the City, selling prepared food to be eaten on or about its premises and for the purposes of this chapter includes the owner of such restaurant and all other persons, firms or corporations operating and/or managing such establishment.
   (h)   "Retail food vendor" means any store, shop, sales outlet or other establishment, including a grocery store or a delicatessen, other than a restaurant, located within the City, which sells takeout food and for the purposes of this chapter includes the owner and all other persons, firms or corporations operating and/or managing such establishment.
   (i)   "Takeout food" means prepared foods or beverages requiring no further preparation to be consumed and which generally are purchased in order to be consumed off the retail food vendor's premises.
      (Ord. 90-3.  Passed 2-4-91.)