   (a)   No person, who is the owner, operator or person in charge of a locomotive, watercraft, aircraft or other vehicle as defined in Ohio R.C 4501.01(A), shall knowingly permit the vehicle to be used for the commission of a felony drug abuse offense.
   (b)   No person, who is the owner, lessee or occupant, or who has custody, control or supervision of premises, or real estate, including vacant land, shall knowingly permit the premises, or real estate, including vacant land, to be used for the commission of a felony drug abuse offense by another person.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of permitting drug abuse, a misdemeanor of the first degree, if the offender has not previously been convicted of a drug abuse offense or if the felony drug abuse offense in question is not a violation of Ohio R.C. 2925.02 or 2925.03(A)(1), (5), (7) or (10) that was committed in either of the following ways:
      (1)   On school premises, in a school building, or within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of any school premises; or
      (2)   Within 100 feet of any juvenile or within the view of any juvenile, whether or not the offender knows the age of the juvenile, the offender knows the juvenile is within 100 feet or within view of the commission of the offense, or the juvenile views the commission of the offense.
   (d)   Vehicles used in violation of subsection (a) hereof shall be seized and forfeited to the Municipality, upon motion to the common pleas court. Forfeiture shall not apply to common carriers or innocent owners, nor shall it affect the rights of a holder of a valid lien. Premises, or real estate, including vacant land, used in violation of subsection (b) hereof shall be seized and forfeited to the Municipality, upon motion to the common pleas court. Forfeiture shall not apply to innocent owners, nor shall it affect the rights of a holder of a valid lien.
(Ord. 92-67. Passed 10-19-92.)
   (e)   In addition to any other sanction imposed for an offense under this section, the court that sentences a person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of this section may suspend for not less than six months or more than five years the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit.
   (f)   Any premises or real estate that is permitted to be used in violation of subsection (b) hereof constitutes a nuisance subject to abatement pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 3767.
(ORC 2925.13)