(A)   Referred to committee. Whenever an ordinance is introduced and presented by a member of the Council at any regular meeting thereof or at any special meeting duly called for such purpose, the Mayor shall then and there cause such ordinance to be read. After the first reading of said ordinance, the same shall be referred by the Mayor to some suitable committee which shall take said ordinance under advisement and consideration until the next regular meeting of the Council, at which time such committee must report thereon. Such ordinance shall then be read for the second time and shall thereupon be ready for final vote upon its adoption.
(Prior Code, § 1.10.010)
   (B)   Passage of ordinances. Any ordinance by unanimous consent of all members of the Council present may be read by title only. The Council may, by unanimous consent of all members present, suspend the foregoing rules and cause any ordinance to be brought up for final consideration and final vote at any time after its introduction. Any ordinance or resolution passed by the Council shall not become effective until 30 days after its passage, except general appropriation providing for the ordinary and current expenses of the municipality, excepting also emergency measures, and in the case of an emergency measure, the emergency must be expressed in the preamble or in the body of the measure, and the measure must receive two-thirds vote of all members of the Council elected. In emergency ordinances, the resolution shall include only such measures as are immediately necessary for the preservation of peace, health and safety, and shall not include a franchise or license to be a corporation or individual, or any provisions for the sale of real estate, or any lease or letting for a period exceeding one year, or the purchase or sale of personal property exceeding $5,000.
(Prior Code, § 1.10.020)
   (C)   Publication of notices.
      (1)   All notices required to be published may be published in either:
         (a)   The Sidney Herald; or
         (b)   The Round Up.
      (2)   The notice must be published a minimum of two times with at least six days separating each publication. If publication in either of the newspapers named in division (C)(1) above is not economically or physically feasible, or in addition to such publication, notice may be given by posting written notice at the following public places, with such written notice posted for a minimum of three days:
         (a)   Super Valu;
         (b)   Merchants Bank;
         (c)   The town post office; and
         (d)   The Town Hall.
(Prior Code, § 1.10.030) (Ord. 351, passed 2-8-2023)