(A) Purpose. Any person may petition for the amendment of the zoning district map and/or these regulations. The amendment procedure shall be as provided here and in M.C.A. § 76-2-303. Amendments may also be initiated by the Zoning Commission or Zoning Administrator, in which cases steps (division (B)(1) below) through (division (B)(3) below) will not be required.
(B) Amendment process.
(1) The applicant shall submit a properly completed application form, the required supporting materials, including a narrative evaluating the amendment request under the amendment criteria in division (B)(2) below and the required application fee at the Town Hall.
(2) The Town Clerk shall process the application and cause the application to be received by the Zoning Administrator.
(3) The Zoning Administrator shall determine whether the application is complete and sufficient. When an application is determined incomplete or insufficient, the Zoning Administrator shall provide written notice to the applicant indicating what information must be submitted for the review to proceed.
(4) After the application is determined to be complete and sufficient, the Zoning Administrator shall place a public hearing on the application for a zoning amendment on the agenda of the next Zoning Commission meeting for which the notice requirements can be met (§ 155.080 of this chapter), and at which time allows for its proper consideration.
(5) The Zoning Administrator or Town Clerk shall give notice of the public hearing in accordance with § 155.080 of this chapter.
(6) The Zoning Administrator shall prepare, or contract for the preparation of, a report that describes the proposed amendment and how it complies, or fails to comply, with and the amendment criteria. The report may include a recommendation for approval, approval with modifications or denial.
(7) The Zoning Commission shall conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment. At the hearing, the Zoning Commission shall determine whether the proposed amendment meets the amendment criteria. The Zoning Commission shall review the particular facts and circumstances of the proposed amendment and develop findings and conclusions that support its recommendation that the Town Council approve, approve with modifications or disapprove it accordingly.
(8) The Zoning Commission’s action on a proposed amendment may be tabled, but for no more than 35 days.
(9) The Zoning Administrator shall convey the Zoning Commission’s recommendation and all public comments to the Town Council and, unless the application is withdrawn, place a hearing on the agenda of the next Town Council meeting for which the notice requirements can be met (§ 155.080 of this chapter), and at which time allows for its proper consideration.
(10) The Zoning Administrator or Town Clerk shall give notice of the public hearing in accordance with § 155.080 of this chapter.
(11) The Town Council shall conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment. At the hearing, the Town Council shall consider the recommendation of the Zoning Commission and all testimony received, then approve, reject or modify and approve the amendment. Action on the proposed amendment may be tabled, but for no more than 35 days.
(12) If approved or approved with modifications, the Town Council shall pass an ordinance effectuating the amendment to the zoning map or regulations, as applicable.
(13) An amendment to the zoning may not become effective, except upon favorable vote of two-thirds of the present and voting members of the Town Council if a protest against a change is signed by the owners of 25% or more of:
(a) The area of the lots included in the proposed change; or
(b) 1. Those lots or units, as defined in M.C.A. § 70-23-102, 150 feet from a lot included in a proposed change. For purposes of this protest provision, each unit owner is entitled to have the percentage of the unit owner’s undivided interest in the common elements of the condominium, as expressed in the declaration, included in the calculation of the protest.
2. If the property, as defined in M.C.A. § 70-23-102 spans more than one lot, the percentage of the unit owner’s undivided interest in the common elements must be multiplied by the total number of lots upon which the property is located.
3. The percentage of the unit owner’s undivided interest must be certified as correct by the unit owner seeking to protest or by the presiding officer of the association of unit owners.
(14) At the conclusion of the amendment process, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the applicant of the Town Council decision within 15 working days.
(C) Amendment criteria.
(1) Zoning amendments shall be made:
(a) In accordance with the growth policy;
(b) To secure safety from fire and other dangers;
(c) To promote public health, safety and general welfare; and
(d) To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements.
(2) In reviewing and making recommendations or decisions on zoning amendments, the Zoning Administrator, Zoning Commission, and Town Council shall also consider:
(a) Reasonable provision of adequate light and air;
(b) The effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems;
(c) The promotion of compatible urban growth;
(d) The character of the district, and its peculiar suitability for particular uses; and
(e) Conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of the land throughout the jurisdictional area.
(3) Other criteria include whether the amendment:
(a) Corrects an inconsistency in the zoning; and
(b) Addresses changing conditions or furthers a specific public challenge such as the need for affordable housing, economic development, mixed use development or sustainable environmental features.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
This section establishes a process that allows applicants of new multi-unit projects to obtain certain incentives if the project provides certain types of benefits to the community. Such projects may be proposed as planned unit developments.
(A) Purpose. Planned unit developments are intended to:
(1) Allow flexibility in zoning and subdivision standards in exchange for community benefits and innovative, quality design;
(2) Encourage development in accordance with an approved plan that protects adjacent properties;
(3) Encourage the preservation and enhancement of natural amenities and topographic features, historical or cultural resources and open space;
(4) Prevent disruption of natural drainage patterns;
(5) Provide for a more efficient arrangement of land uses, buildings, circulation systems and infrastructure; and
(6) Encourage infill development, harmonious neighborhood development, affordable (low and moderate income) housing, low-impact, energy efficient and innovative projects and a variety of housing types and sizes to accommodate households of with incomes representative of the community.
(B) Applicability. PUDs may be approved in any of the zoning districts.
(C) Requirements. PUDs must contain the following components:
(1) A size of at least four acres, except for infill development, where the minimum size is one acre;
(2) All of the property included in the PUD request shall be under unified ownership or a single entity’s control;
(3) A mixture of housing types and/or land uses;
(4) Interconnected streets, preferably lots and blocks with alleys;
(5) Pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout and connecting to adjacent facilities;
(6) Architectural design standards to be implemented and enforced by a private party such as a unit owners’ association;
(7) Community facilities in common ownership and use or that are dedicated to the public;
(8) A coordinated landscape plan with landscaping and other visual buffers to contribute aesthetics and to separate any incompatible land uses in order to eliminate or minimize potential interference and nuisances on adjacent properties;
(9) Open spaces such as playground or park areas designed for active and passive users with the scale, type and natural features depending on the projected needs of the future users and occupants of the PUD; and
(10) Building sites may be clustered to preserve open space. Clustering of dwelling units and other buildings are encouraged as long as open space, recreational amenities, and emergency access are adequately planned. The Town Council may require clustering to avoid development in floodplains, wetlands, wooded ravines or other environmentally sensitive areas.
(D) Standards eligible for modification. Except as expressly approved by the Town Council, PUDs are subject to all applicable standards of the zoning regulations and subdivision regulations’ standards. The Town Council may approve PUDs that deviate from specific zoning and subdivision standards if it is determined that the resulting development satisfies the review criteria in division (G) below. A waiver of a standard does not require approval of a zoning variance by the Board of Adjustment or a variance to subdivision regulations by the Town Council. The specific standards that may be modified include:
(1) Regardless of the underlying zoning, a PUD may include a complementary mix of use types and a broader range of housing types and affordable housing options. A list of uses to be allowed in a PUD must be approved by the Town Council;
(2) Maximum density/minimum parcel size, subject to the density bonus provisions of division (E) below; provided that, the resulting density and lot sizes are adequate to safely accommodate all proposed buildings and site features and are warranted to support the public benefit likely to result from the proposed development;
(3) Setbacks, when determined to be warranted to support the public benefit likely to result from the proposed development. A minimum distance of ten feet shall be maintained between all detached buildings unless greater separation is required by fire or building codes;
(4) Building height, when determined that such an increase is warranted to support the public benefit likely to result from the proposed development, and adequate fire protection measures are ensured in consultation with the Fire Department;
(5) Maximum lot coverage; provided, erosion will be controlled and storm water is determined likely to be contained in a manner that will not negatively impact surface water quality or surrounding and down-gradient properties;
(6) Parking and loading requirements, when determined that such modifications are warranted to support the public benefit likely to result from the proposed development;
(7) Design and improvement standards of the subdivision regulations, such as those for lots, blocks, street and non-motorized transportation standards; provided, such alternative designs would better meet the purpose of this section while still providing a safe and efficient traffic flow and emergency service provider access; and
(8) Mobile homes are not allowed where prohibited, and no exception to this restriction will be granted through PUD designation.
(E) Density bonus. PUDs are allowed flexibility with minimum lot sizes, subject to the provisions below. The zoning district’s base minimum lot sizes and the types of residential development proposed in a PUD are used to calculate the base density in a proposed PUD by calculating the area on which the various types and numbers of dwelling units are proposed and applying the minimum lot sizes that would be required by the district the PUD is located in. The density bonuses and resulting allowed numbers of units are then calculated as applicable. The following maximum increases in density may be granted singularly or in total (from base density) only if the accompanying conditions are met:
(1) Twenty percent: solar, wind, geothermal or other alternative renewable energy sources will provide at least 50% of the total energy needs of the PUD;
(2) Ten percent: all dwelling units in the PUD will meet state policies and rules regarding energy-efficiency through energy efficient buildings;
(3) Up to 25%: density bonuses at percentages equal to the percentage of the property that is demonstrated to become open space, playground or park areas designed for active and passive use and either under common ownership or dedicated to the public. For example, if a project in the R-A District is comprised of ten acres and is proposed for a mixture of residential development such that a typical development using the district’s maximum allowed density/minimum lot sizes would allow 100 units, by presenting a PUD plan that devotes 20% of the development, or two acres, to open space and park areas, up to a 20% increase, or up to 120 units, could be proposed on the ten acres. If open space is 10%, the maximum bonus is 10%; if open space is 25%, the maximum bonus is 25%;
(4) Twenty percent: at least 50% of the dwelling units are to be restricted (typically via deed restrictions) by size and type for individuals meeting asset, income and minimum occupancy guidelines approved by the Town Council such that those units will constitute affordable housing;
(5) Density bonuses exceeding those listed above, and for project amenities and benefits to the community other than those listed may be granted by unanimous vote of the Town Council, following a recommendation by the Planning Board, in order to carry out the purposes of the land use policies of the town; and
(6) The bonuses listed above, when calculated in total, shall be calculated on an aggregate basis based on the base density. For example, a development that is allowed 100 units using the zoning district’s normal density /minimum lot size, which uses: to obtain a 20% bonus (20 units); to obtain a 10% bonus (ten units); to obtain a 15% bonus (15 units); and to obtain a 20% bonus (20 units), could be allowed a maximum number of dwelling units of 165.
(F) Review process. Planned unit developments are established through the approval of a PUD master site plan in accordance with this section and the subdivision regulations. A PUD may be declared as such prior to or along with preliminary plat approval; provided, the PUD request contains sufficient information for the Town Council to declare the project a PUD.
(1) At the option of the applicant, the master site plan may also serve as a preliminary subdivision plat if:
(a) Such intention is declared at the pre-application meeting;
(b) The master site plan includes all information required for preliminary plats; and
(c) The other procedural requirements of the subdivision regulations are met. If the master site plan contemplates distinct phased preliminary plats, the preliminary plat for the first phase shall be reviewed concurrently with the master site plan.
(2) In addition to the requirements for subdivisions, each PUD request must include the following items:
(a) The master site plan that shows the location and area of lots and blocks, buildings, transportation facilities, parks, open space and other amenities, utilities and other pertinent features;
(b) A list of the specific standards that are requested to be modified;
(c) A list of land uses that are proposed in the PUD;
(d) A written description of the community benefits of the proposed development and how it provides greater benefits to the community than would development in compliance with all development standards;
(e) An evaluation of the review criteria in division (G) below;
(f) Architectural standards and a means of enforcement;
(g) A description of what facilities, such as playground equipment, trails and other amenities will be installed, when, and to what standards; and
(h) A description and draft documents indicating how any common areas and facilities will be managed or how land and/or any facilities will be dedicated to the public.
(G) Review criteria. In reviewing and making decisions on proposed PUDs and site plans, the Planning Board and Town Council shall consider and make findings on the following criteria during subdivision review:
(1) (a) Whether the proposed PUD would result in a greater benefit to the community than would development in compliance with all development standards.
(b) Greater benefit may include implementation of adopted planning policies, natural resource preservation, innovative urban design, low-impact or energy efficient development, affordable, workforce or senior housing, neighborhood or community amenities or an overall level of development quality;
(2) The proposal’s consistency with the adopted plans for the area;
(3) Compliance with this section and its purposes; and
(4) Primary review criteria for subdivisions, when applicable.
(H) Effect of PUD designation. A PUD master site plan becomes designated a PUD when approved by the Town Council after a noticed public hearing and recommendation by the Planning Board. A subdivision plat reviewed along with a PUD becomes final when all conditions of preliminary approval have been met. All final subdivision plats authorized under a PUD must become final within ten years of PUD master site plan approval.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
(A) All required notices shall provide the following information:
(1) Name of the applicant and the landowner (if different);
(2) Legal description of the site and its address or another general description by which the public can locate it. For proposed zoning amendments, the geographic area of the district must be included;
(3) Present land use at the site;
(4) The proposed use;
(5) A public hearing is to be held to accept public comment and what board or body will conduct a public hearing;
(6) The date, time and place of the hearing; and
(7) Where applications are available for review.
(B) Notice of the hearing shall be provided as follows:
(1) By certified mail, at least 15 calendar days before the hearing, to the applicant, landowner and all adjoining property owners (including purchasers of record under contract for deed);
(2) By newspaper publication, at least calendar 15 days before the hearing, one legal notice in the official newspaper; and
(3) By first class mail, at least 15 calendar days before the hearing, to all potentially affected public agencies and public utilities, and any person who has requested mail notice of such hearings and paid the annual fee for that service. All notices shall comply with division (B)(1) above.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
(A) Violations. Any person, partnership, association, company, corporation or individual who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of these regulations shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as prescribed below. Each day a violation of these regulations remains after notice to the offending party, as described below, shall constitute a separate misdemeanor offense. A person violates these regulations whenever he or she:
(1) Proceeds with an activity for which a permit is required by these regulations without having obtained a permit;
(2) Makes any misrepresentation in any application for a permit required by these regulations;
(3) Fails to fulfill any condition imposed on the approval of a permit;
(4) Fails to maintain any improvement required for compliance with these regulations or any permit granted under these regulations;
(5) Engages in the development of land in any way not consistent with the requirements of these regulations;
(6) Obscures, obstructs, removes or destroys any notice required to be posted or otherwise given under the terms of these regulations;
(7) Fails to comply with any lawful order issued under the authority of these regulations; or
(8) Disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of these regulations.
(B) Responsibility for violations. The following persons may be jointly or severally responsible for violations of these regulations and subject to its enforcement provisions (also referred to as responsible party):
(1) Any owner of property on which a violation occurs;
(2) Any architect, engineer, planner, surveyor, builder, contractor, agent or any other person who knowingly participates and assists, directs, creates or maintains a situation that constitutes a violation of these regulations; and
(3) Any tenant or occupant who has control over or responsibility for, use or development of the subject property.
(C) Enforcement process. The process for enforcement of these regulations shall be as described here.
(1) The Zoning Administrator shall notify the occupant (and owner, if they are not the same) of the violation by certified mail and/or posting on the site. The notice shall describe the violation, cite the section(s) of these regulations being violated and order the responsible party to attain compliance within 30 days.
(2) (a) The notice of violation may order an activity or work to cease, state the specific activity to be stopped, the specific reasons for the ordered stoppage, and the conditions under which the activity may resume.
(b) If the activity does not cease, the Zoning Administrator shall ask the Town Attorney to take prompt action as authorized by M.C.A. § 76-2-308 to end the violation, obtain applicable penalties and to require restoration of the site to its original condition. Restoration may include re-establishment of vegetative cover where sites have been graded in violation of these regulations.
(3) Any person who receives a notice of violation may:
(a) Request inspection by the Zoning Administrator to show that compliance has been attained within the 30 days allowed; or
(b) File a notice of appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s notice, following the procedure in § 155.077 of this chapter.
(4) If voluntary compliance is not attained or a notice of appeal is not filed within 30 days, the Zoning Administrator shall ask the Town Attorney to begin legal action, as authorized by M.C.A. §§ 76-2-308 and 76-2-315 against any responsible party who fails to attain compliance within the specified time, or show, on appeal, that a violation has not occurred.
(5) This enforcement procedure may be accelerated where the Zoning Administrator finds that public health and safety are endangered by a violation. In such cases, the Zoning Administrator shall ask the Town Attorney to take immediate action to end the danger to public health and safety.
(D) Withhold permit, utilities service or other development authorization.
(1) The Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Town Council or other authorized party may deny or withhold all permits, certificates or other forms of authorization on any land or structure or improvements on property upon which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of these regulations or of a condition or qualification of a permit, certificate, approval or other authorization previously granted. This enforcement provision may be applied regardless of whether the current property owner or applicant is responsible for the violation in question.
(2) (a) The Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Town Council or other authorized party may deny or withhold all permits, certificates or other forms of authorization on any land or structure or improvements owned or being developed by a person who owns, develops or otherwise causes an uncorrected violation of a provision of these regulations or a condition or qualification of a permit, certificate, approval or other authorization previously granted. This enforcement provision may be applied regardless of whether the property for which the permit or other approval is sought is the property in violation.
(b) For purposes of this section, a PERSON is defined as any individual or business entity with more than a 20% interest in the subject property.
(3) No municipal utility service shall be provided to any development that is not in full compliance with these regulations.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
(A) Creation. There is hereby created a Zoning Commission which shall consist of five members to be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Town Council. The appointment for the first commission shall be one member for one year, two members for two years and two members for three years. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for three years.
(Prior Code, § 11.04.010)
(B) Powers and duties. It shall be the duty of the Zoning Commission to recommend the boundaries of the various original districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein. Such Commission shall make a preliminary report and hold public hearings thereon before submitting its final report, and such Town Council shall not hold its public hearings or take action until it has received the final report of the Commission.
(Prior Code, § 11.04.020)
(C) Additional powers and duties. The Zoning Commission shall have such further powers, duties and restrictions as provided by state law.
(Prior Code, § 11.04.030)
(A) Penalties for zoning violations shall be as provided in M.C.A. § 76-2-315.
(B) Zoning violations are misdemeanor offenses and, upon conviction, a guilty party is subject to a fine of up to $500, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or both.
(C) Any person who violates these regulations may be required by court order or other action or proceedings to abate or remediate a violation or otherwise restore the premises to the condition in which it existed before the violation.
(D) In addition to fines and imprisonment, the town is empowered to provide for civil penalties for violations. Such civil penalties are as follows.
(1) For a first violation, a civil penalty of not more than $500 shall be imposed.
(2) For each repeat violation, a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 shall be imposed.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)