General Provisions
   150.01   Benchmarks
   150.02   Mobile home placement
Codes Adopted
   150.15   Uniform Building Code
   150.16   National Electrical Code
   150.17   National Plumbing Code
   150.18   Uniform Fire Code
§ 150.01 BENCHMARKS.
   (A)   Benchmark established. For the purpose of establishing grades within the town, a benchmark is hereby established from which all grades within said town shall be referred, said benchmark to be the upper surface of the extreme southwesterly point of that certain granite belt extending around the Security State Bank of Fairview, Montana, as now constructed, between the base of the windows of said building and the base of said building, at the south west corner of said building, at the south west corner of Lot 14 in Block 7 of the Revised L.E. Newlon Addition to the Townsite of Fairview, Montana, same being at the corner of Ellery Avenue and Fifth Street within said town.
(Prior Code, § 12.02.010)
   (B)   Elevation of benchmark. The above-described benchmark, for the purpose of figuring said grades, shall be considered at an elevation of 100 feet above a plane of datum, and said benchmark shall be permanently established as the datum plane for all grades hereafter established.
(Prior Code, § 12.02.020)
(Ord. 42, passed - -)
   The following shall be required of all mobile homes placed on lots within the town.
   (A)   All mobile homes must be at least 14 feet wide and placed on a permanent foundation. Removal of all wheels and lowering onto non-mobile supports shall be considered as evidence of placement on a permanent foundation.
   (B)   All homes must be skirted and securely fastened.
   (C)   Homes may not be placed next to, in front of, behind or attached to any presently existing structures.
   (D)   All homes must be maintained to such extent that they do not constitute a public nuisance.
   (E)   All homes must be in compliance with applicable uniform codes and free of dangers to health and safety.
   (F)   A zoning permit must be issued by the town’s Zoning Officer before any mobile home may be placed on the property for which the zoning permit is issued.
(Ord. 323, passed 4-8-2013)