All Residential Districts ( R, MF)
*home occupations (in excess of 25% of living space)
*churches and houses of worship
*renting of rooms to other than immediate family members
*family homes for mentally retarded/developmentally disabled children or
*group homes of similar nature
*private schools
*child day care facilities
R Residential District
*Bed and Breakfast operations
*Assisted Living facilities
MF Multi Family District
*Assisted Living facilities
All Business Districts (C-1, C-2, C-3)
*seasonal outdoor or open-air operation of entertainment, food service, cafe
style operations, outdoor sales
*vehicles - sales service and leasing
*drive thru beverage services
*drive in and drive thru restaurants and food and beverage services
*exterior storage of vehicles, watercraft, trailers and associated
I Industrial District
*exterior storage of vehicles, watercraft, trailers and associated
*exterior storage of construction and process materials
*retail activities incidental to permitted Industrial uses
MI Marine Industrial District
*retail activities incidental to permitted Marine Industrial uses
MR Marine Recreation District
*Cluster Home Planned Unit Development.
(Ord. 1998-125. Passed 1-5-99; Ord. 2010-28. Passed 7-6-10; Ord. 2014-090. Passed 10-21-14.)
(b) In addition to those uses specified in Section 1138.01(a) conditional use permits shall also be required for the following when located in any district:
(1) Airports, heliports, helistops
(2) Sand and gravel operations or the removal from or deposit on land of soil or other substances in excess of 2,000 cubic yards per acre in volume or 25,000 cubic yards total. (ref. Chapter 1126 Site and Grading Plans)
(3) Electric substations
(4) Telephone exchanges
(5) Water towers
(6) Pumping stations
(7) Installations for commercial transmission of radio or television or the placement of wireless communication towers (ref. Chapter 1134 Wireless Communication Facilities)
(8) Gas regulation stations
(9) Oil, gas and water wells
(10) Power lines in excess of 13,200 KV
(11) Temporary events
(12) Railroad tracks and facilities
(13) Wastewater treatment facilities. (Ord. 1998-125. Passed 1-5-99.)