No person shall either by word or act indulge in any noisy, boisterous, disorderly or loud conduct or in any manner disturb the peace and good order of others in and upon Park grounds.
   The following acts, among others, are hereby declared to be loud, disturbing and detrimental, and in violation of this section but such enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
   (a)   The sound of any bell, horn or other signal or warning device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus, truck, tractor or other motor vehicle, except as a danger or warning signal, but any horn, bell or other single or warning device, as a danger or warning signal shall not be unreasonably loud or harsh or continued for an unnecessary length of time.
   (b)   The use of any automobile, motorcycle, bus, truck, tractor or other motor vehicle so out of repair, loaded, or operated as to cause or create disturbing and unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling, thumping, rumbling or other noises.
   (c)   The use of any drum, loudspeaker or other instrument or device for the purpose of attracting attention by noise to any performance, show, sale or display of merchandise, or for any other purpose, excepting only the use of devices by police, firemen or rangers in the performance of official duties, without a permit from the Directors of the Park.
      (Ord. 1992-46. Passed 5-4-92.)