Refuse Collection
955.01   Refuse collection service.
955.02   Definitions.
955.03   Collection by contractor.
955.04   Collection supervised by Village Administrator.
955.05   Refuse containers.
955.06   Accumulation of refuse.
955.07   Points of collection.
955.071   Time limitations.
955.08   Frequency of collection and limited liense.
955.09   Carryout service.
955.10   Bulk items.
955.11   Refrigerant items.
955.12   Vehicles used.
955.13   Rules and regulations.
955.14   Fees.
955.15   Billings.
955.16   Delinquent accounts.
955.17   Scattering or pilfering refuse.
955.18   Yard waste.
955.19   Curbside collection and disposal of recyclable materials.
955.99   Penalty.