All code references are to codes as adopted, which includes modifications and amendments.
   (a) 2018 International Building Code.
Section 101.1 Title: City of Fairmont, West Virginia.
      Section 114.4 - Violation penalties: See General Penalty Section 1709.99.
      Section 115.3 - Unlawful continuance: See General Penalty Section 1709.99
      Chapter 35 Insert: Codes: Referenced Standards - (2018 International Building Code and NFPA Life Safety Code 2021 Edition); 4.1.g. The ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 2010 Edition for commercial buildings.
   (b)    2018 International Plumbing Code.
      Section P-101.1 - Title: Insert (City of Fairmont, West Virginia).
      Section P-106.6.2 - Insert: Fee Schedule: The fees for all plumbing work shall be those set forth above in Building Code, Section 108.
      Section P-106.6.3 - Insert: Fee Refund: (100% except minimum cost) (100% except minimum cost).
      Section P-108.4 - Violation Penalties: Insert (Misdemeanor), ($500.00).
      Section P-108.5-Insert: Stop Work Orders: ($100.00), ($500.00) Add: Each day that work continues after a stop work order has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
      Section P-305.4.1 - Sewer Depth: Insert: (three feet six inches), (3'6").
      Chapter 14 Insert: Codes: (2018 International Building Code), (2018 International Mechanical Code).
   (c)    2018 International Mechanical Code.
      Section M-101.1 - Insert: (City of Fairmont, West Virginia)
      Section M-106.5.2 - Insert: Fee Schedule: The fees for all mechanical permits shall be those set forth above in Building Code, Section 108.
      Section M-106.5.3 - Insert: Fee Refund (100% except minimum cost), (100%
except minimum cost).
      Section M-108.4 - Violation Penalties: Insert (Misdemeanor), ($500.00).
      Section M-108.5 - Insert: Stop Work Orders: ($100.00), ($500.00), Add: Each day that work continues after a stop work order has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
   (d)   2018 International Fuel Gas Code:
      Section 101.1 Title (City of Fairmont, West Virginia)
      Section 106.6.2 Fee Schedule: The fees for all Fuel Gas Code permits shall be those set forth above in Building Code Section 108.
   (e)   2018 International Property Maintenance Code:
      Section PM-101.1 - Title: (City of Fairmont, West Virginia)
      Section PM-106.4 - Penalty: See General Penalty Section 1709.99
      Section PM-108.2 - Closing of Vacant Structures: Add: However, before the Code Official shall proceed with the latter course of action an attempt shall be made to enforce Section PM-106.2 and Section PM 106.3.
      Section PM-110.3 - Failure to Comply with Demolition Order: Add: However, before the Code Official shall proceed with the latter course of action an attempt shall be made to enforce Section PM-106.3 and Section PM 110.3
      Section PM-302.4 - Weeds. Insert: (10 inches)
      Section PM-304.14 - Insect screens: Insert: (May 15 to October 1.)
      Section PM-602.3 - Heat supply: Insert: (October 1, to May 15)
   (f)   2018 International Existing Building Code.
      Section EBC 101.1 Title: (City of Fairmont, West Virginia)
      Section EBC 108.2 The fees for all Existing Building Code permits shall be those set forth above in Building Code Section 108.
      Section EBC. 113.4 Violation penalties: See General Penalty Section 1709.99.
      Section EBC 114.3 Unlawful continuance: See General Penalty Provision Section 1709.99.
   (g)   2018 International Residential Code:
      Section R 101.1 Title: (City of Fairmont, West Virginia)
      Section R 108.2 The fees for all Residential Code permits shall be those set forth above in Building Code Section 108.
      Section R. 113.4 Violations penalties: See General Penalty Section 1709.99.
      Section R. 114.2 Unlawful continuance: See General Penalty Section 1709.99.
Table No. R-301.2(1)
Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria
   Ground Snow Load:         25 lbs./square foot
   Wind Design Speed:         115 mph
   Wind Design Exposure:         B
   Wind Design Topographic Effects:      No
   Seismic Design Category:         A
   Weathering:            Severe
   Frost Line Depth:            30 inches
   Termite Damage:            Moderate to Heavy
   Winter Design Temperature:      10oF
   Ice Barrier Underlayment Requirement:   No
   Air Freezing Index:         1,000
   Mean Annual Temperature:      51.9oF
   Flood Hazards:            Article 1765 Flood Plain
                  Regulations of the Fairmont City
   FEMA Flood Map Panels:         0001B - October 18, 1995 or most
                  0002B - October 18, 1995 or most
                  0003B - October 18, 1995 or most
                  0004B - October 18, 1995 or most
   (h)   Appendices.
      (1)   Residential Code Appendices.
         A.   Appendix E: Manufactured Housing Used as Dwellings, excluding section AE 304.1 Permit Fees. The fees for all Manufactured Housing permits shall be those set forth above in Building Code Section 108 required permit fee; and
      (2)   Building Code Appendices.
         A.   Appendix B: Board of Appeals.
      (3)   Property Maintenance Code.
         A.   Appendix A: Boarding Standards.
      (4)   National Electric Code.
         A.   Annex H, Administration and Enforcement. Except §§80.15 and 80.27
            i.   Discretionary provisions:
               80.19 (F)(3) insert ten (10) days;
               80.23(B)(3) insert: See General Penalty §1709.99;
               80.29 insert City of Fairmont;
               80.35 insert August 1, 2022.
               (Ord. 1951. Passed 5-24-22.)