925.01 Definitions.
925.02 Rates, fees and charges.
925.03 Free services prohibited.
925.04 Allowance for leaks.
925.05 No liability of City; right to restrict services.
Power to collect charges - see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(32), 16-13-16
Review by Public Service Commission - see W. Va. Code 24-2-4(b)
The following terms shall have the following meanings in this article unless the text otherwise expressly requires:
(a) “Person” means and includes individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association and public body.
(b) “Sewer facilities” means all facilities of the sewerage system owned by the City and includes the project to be constructed and acquired and all facilities of any kind or nature at any time hereafter constructed or acquired by the City and used for sewage collection or disposal purposes, such term including, among other things, all sanitary, storm, trunk, collecting, intercepting and lateral sewers, sewer lines, drains, force mains, conduits, plants for the treatment or disposal of sewage and waste matters, lift stations, machinery, buildings, fixtures, equipment, all other real or personal property and all other property, appurtenances, extensions and improvements necessary, convenient, useful, appurtenant or incidental to or for the collection, treatment or disposal in a sanitary manner of sewage and waste matters.
(Ord. 426. Passed 6-14-76.)
Rules and Regulations for the Government of Sewerage Utilities, adopted by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia, and now in effect, and all amendments thereto and modifications thereof hereafter made by said Commission.
(a) Tariff.
Sanitary Sewer Schedule 1 - Residential, Commercial and Industrial Rates
Schedule 1-A: to Be Effective Sixty (60) day after passage:
APPLICABILITY: Applicable in the entire territory or area served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for general domestic, commercial and industrial sewer service.
RATES. (residential customers) Rates are based upon the metered amount of water supplied. After the first 2,500 gallons, rates shown are per 1,000 gallons used per month.
Gallons Rate First 50,000 $7.26 Next 25,000 6.97 Next 25,000 6.58 Next 25,000 6.19 All Over 125,000 5.83 |
RATES: (commercial and industrial customers) Rates are based upon the metered amount of water supplied. After the first 2,500 gallons, rates shown are per 1,000 gallons used per month.
Gallons Rate First 50,000 $6.63 Next 25,000 6.37 Next 25,000 6.01 Next 25,000 5.66 All Over 125,000 5.32 |
MINIMUM CHARGE: (residential customers) No bill will be rendered for less than $39.70 bi-monthly, which is the equivalent of 5,000 gallons of usage with a 5/8" meter.
MINIMUM CHARGE (commercial and industrial customers)
No bill will be rendered for less than $18.13 per month, which is the equivalent of 2,500 gallons of usage with a 5/8" meter.
APPLICABILITY: Applicable in the entire territory or area served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for general domestic, commercial and industrial
sewer service.
RATES: (residential customers) Rates are based upon the metered amount of water supplied. After the first 2,500 gallons, rates shown are per 1,000 gallons used per month.
Gallons Rate First 50,000 $7.94 Next 25,000 7.62 Next 25,000 7.20 Next 25,000 6.77 All Over 125,000 6.38 |
RATES: (commercial and industrial customers) Rates are based upon the metered amount of water supplied. After the first 2,500 gallons, rates shown are per 1,000 gallons used
per month.
Gallons Rate First 50,000 $7.25 Next 25,000 6.97 Next 25,000 6.57 Next 25,000 6.19 All Over 125,000 5.82 |
MINIMUM CHARGE: (residential customers)
No bill will be rendered for less than $39.70 bi-monthly, which is the equivalent of 5,000 gallons of usage with a 5/8" meter.
MINIMUM CHARGE (commercial and industrial customers)
No bill will be rendered for less than $18.13 per month. which is the equivalent of 2,500 gallons of usage with a 5/8" meter.
APPLICABILITY: Applicable in the entire territory or area served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for general domestic, commercial and industrial
sewer service.
RATES: (residential customers) Rates are based upon the metered amount of water
supplied. After the first 2,500 gallons, rates shown are per 1,000 gallons used per month.
Gallons Rate First 50,000 $8.23 Next 25,000 7.90 Next 25,000 7.47 Next 25,000 7.02 All Over 125,000 6.62 |
RATES: (commercial and industrial customers) Rates are based upon the metered amount of water supplied. After the first 2,500 gallons, rates shown are per 1,000 gallons used per month.
Gallons Rate First 50,000 $7.52 Next 25,000 7.23 Next 25,000 6.81 Next 25,000 6.42 All Over 125,000 6.04 |
MINIMUM CHARGE: (residential customers)
No bill will be rendered for less than $41.15 bi-monthly, which is the equivalent of 5,000 gallons of usage with a 5/8" meter.
MINIMUM CHARGE (commercial and industrial customers)
No bill will be rendered for less than $18.80 per month, which is the equivalent of 2,500 gallons of usage with a 5/8" meter.
The above schedule is net. On all accounts not paid in full when due, ten percent (10%) will be added to the net current amount unpaid. This delayed penalty payment is not interest and is to be collected only once for each bill where it is appropriate.
The following charges are to be made whenever the utility installs a new tap to serve an
A tap fee of $250.00 will be charged to customers applying for service outside a certificate proceeding before the commission for each new tap to the system.
Whenever water service has been disconnected for nonpayment of a sanitary sewer bills in conjunction with a water service termination agreement. a disconnection fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged: or, in the event the delinquent sewer bill is collected by the water company, an administrative fee of twenty-five dollars shall be charged.
Whenever water service has been previously disconnected or otherwise withheld for nonpayment of a sewer bill in conjunction with a water service termination agreement, is reconnected, a re-connection fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged.
A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed to the sewer utility up to a maximum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be imposed upon any customer whose check for payment of charges is returned by the bank due to insufficient funds.
The above rates and charges may be adjusted to a bimonthly or quarterly basis, providing no lower charges.
Customers having water use which results in a substantial portion of the water purchased not being discharged into the sanitary sewer system shall be entitled, at the option and sole cost of the customer, to request the Sanitary Sewer Board to purchase and install special meters to measure the volume of waste water discharged into the sanitary sewer system. The customer shall advance to the Sanitary Sewer Board on demand, the Sanitary Sewer Board's estimated cost of purchasing and installing the meter and upon installation of such waste discharge meter the rates of such customer shall be based upon the volume of waste discharged into the system rather than upon the volume of water purchased by the customer.
APPLICABILITY: Applicable in the entire territory or area served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for bulk rate, resale, public authority or satellite
RATE: (resale customers)
All wastewater will be treated at the approved rate of $1.1905 per 1,000 gallons.
RATE: (public authority)
All wastewater will be treated at the approved rate of $2.1975 per 1,000 gallons of
metered water wastewater treated.
$0.41 Per 1,000 gallons of water is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption
which can be attributed to the eligible leakage on the customer's side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above customer's historical average usage.
APPLICABILITY: Applicable in the entire territory or area served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for bulk rate, resale, public authority or satellite
RATE: (resale customers)
All wastewater will be treated at the approved rate of $1.3022 per 1,000 gallons.
RATE: (public authority)
All wastewater will be treated at the approved rate of $2.4036 per 1,000 gallons of
metered water wastewater treated.
$0.41 Per 1,000 gallons of water is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption
which can be attributed to the eligible leakage on the customer's side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above customer's historical average usage.
APPLICABILITY: Applicable in the entire territory or area served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for bulk rate, resale, public authority or satellite
RATE: (resale customers)
All wastewater will be treated at the approved rate of $1.3504 per 1,000 gallons.
RATE: (public authority)
All wastewater will be treated at the approved rate of $2.4925 per 1,000 gallons of metered water wastewater treated.
$0.41 Per 1,000 gallons of water is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption
which can be attributed to the eligible leakage on the customer's side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above customer's historical average usage.
APPLICABILITY: Applicable in the entire territory or area served.
AVAILABILITY: Available for non-connected industrial service.
RATE: The charge for the treatment of industrial waste shall be calculated on
the basis of the following formula:
Ci=Vo Vi+BoBi+SoSi
Ci = charge to industrial users per year.
Vo = average unit cost of transport and treatment chargeable to volume, in dollars per gallon.
Vi = volume of waste water from industrial users, in gallons per year.
Bo = average unit cost of treatment, chargeable to Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), in dollars per ground.
Bi = weight of BOD from industrial users, in pounds per year.
So = average unit cost of treatment (including sludge treatment) chargeable to total solids, in dollars per pound.
Si = weight of total solids from industrial users, in pounds per year.
When an industrial user is to be served, a preliminary study of its waste, and the cost of
transport and treatment thereof, will be made. Waste containing materials. which in the judgment of the Sanitary Sewer Board, should not be introduced into the sewer system need not be handled by it. The results of this preliminary study shall be used to determine the feasibility of the proposed sewer service and the charge therefor, based upon the formula set out above. Thereafter, industrial sewage shall be monitored on a regular basis and at the conclusion of each fiscal year, based on the aforesaid investigation and audit of the Sanitary Sewer Board records, new cost figures shall be calculated for use in the above formula. The cost of establishing the monitoring facilities shall be paid by the industrial user. Based on these audited figures, additional billings covering the past fiscal year shall be made for payment by each industrial user, or refund given by the Sanitary Sewer Board, as the case may be. Such audited figures shall then be used for the preliminary billing for the next fiscal year, at the end of which an adjustment shall be made as aforesaid.
(b) Effective Date. The rates, fees and charges herein established shall become effective 60 days from the date of the adoption of this section and shall continue until changed by subsequent ordinance.
(c) Severability. The provisions of this section are severable. and if any provision or part thereof shall be deemed invalid or unconstitutional or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such invalidity, unconstitutionality or inapplicability shall not affect or impair the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. (Ord. 1956. Passed 6-14-22.)
The City shall not render or cause to be rendered any free services of any nature by the sewer facilities, nor shall any preferential rates be established for users of the same class; and in the event the City or any department, agency, instrumentality, officer or employee thereof shall avail itself or themselves of the facilities or services provided by the sewer facilities, or any part thereof, the same rates, fees or charges applicable to other customers receiving like services under similar circumstances shall be charged the City, and any such department, agency, instrumentality, officer or employee thereof. Such charges shall be paid as they accrue, and the City shall transfer from its general funds sufficient sums to pay such charges incurred by it. The revenues so received shall be deemed to be revenues derived from the operation of the sewer facilities, and shall be deposited and accounted for in the same manner as other revenues derived from such operation of the sewer facilities.
(Ord. 426. Passed 6-14-76.)