(a) The City of Fairlawn hereby adopts the International Property Maintenance Code 2006 Edition as may be amended hereinafter referred to as IPMC published by the International Code Council as modified in this Section.
(1) Section 101.1 of the IPMC is herein modified to read: These regulations shall be known as The Commercial Property Maintenance Code of the City of Fairlawn, hereinafter known as 'this Code.'
(2) Section 102.3 of the IPMC is herein modified to read: Application of other Codes, repairs, additions or alterations to a structure, or changes in occupancy, shall be done in accordance with the procedure and provisions of the State of Ohio Codes as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards. Nothing in this Code shall be construed to cancel, modify or set aside any of the provisions of the charter and codified ordinances of the City of Fairlawn hereinafter referred to as Fairlawn Code.
(3) Section 103.5 of the IPMC is hereby modified to include the following fee schedule:
(a) Building and zoning permit fees as provided in Fairlawn Code Chapter 1238.
(4) There is hereby created new Section 106.6 of the IPMC to read as follows: Repeat Offender Penalty. Persons that repeat any violation within any six-month period shall be assessed an administrative penalty as specified in Fairlawn Code Section 1570.01 as though it was a non-compliance as covered in that Section.
(5) Section 111, MEANS OF APPEAL, of the IPMC is deleted in its entirety. Appeals pursuant to Part Fifteen Real Property Maintenance Codes, Chapter 1566, shall be heard by the City of Fairlawn Real Property Maintenance Board pursuant to Chapter 281 of the Fairlawn Code.
(6) Section 201.3 of the IPMC is herein modified to read as follows: Where terms are not defined in this Code and are defined in any of the State of Ohio Codes as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, such terms shall have the meanings as ascribed to them in those Codes.
(7) Section 302.3 of the IPMC is hereby amended to read as follows: “All sidewalks, walkways, stairs, driveways, parking spaces and similar areas shall be kept in a proper state of repair, and maintained free from hazardous conditions including accumulation of ice and snow.”
(8) Section 302.4 of the IPMC is hereby amended as follows: “All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds in excess of eight (8") inches.” All other provisions of Section 302.4 of the IPMC shall remain unchanged.
(9) Section 303.1 of the IPMC is hereby amended to include: “The water within the pool, spa, or hot tubs shall at all times meet the requirements of the Summit County Health Department for human use.” All other provisions of Section 302.4 of the IPMC shall remain unchanged.
(10) Chapter 8 of the IPMC as herein modified to include: The Rules and Regulations of the Summit County Health Department.
(Ord. 2008-051. Passed 6-16-08.)
(a) All commercial buildings, structures or premises and associated accessory structures as well as the land upon which these structures are situated shall comply with all applicable codes of the City of Fairlawn as well as those codes referred to and/or adopted in this Code.
(Ord. 2008-051. Passed 6-16-08.)