(a)   The Residential Housing Assistance Board shall consist of a minimum of ten members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council for overlapping terms of three years until a successor is appointed, and the terms shall be staggered.
   (b)   The Residential Housing Assistance Board shall include a balanced representation of the following groups located within the City of Fairlawn.
      (1)   A bank or other financial institution that loans money;
      (2)   A nonprofit builder or developer of housing;
      (3)   A for-profit builder or developer of housing;
      (4)   A for-profit builder or developer of rental housing:
      (5)   A real estate broker licensed under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3745;
      (6)   A professional with knowledge regarding rental housing and fair housing issues;
      (7)   A resident of the City of Fairlawn that could receive housing assistance through this program;
      (8)   A member of the Real Property Maintenance Board;
      (9)   A member of Fairlawn City Council;
      (10)   A member of City of Fairlawn Administration.
   (c)   A member who has a personal or financial interest in the premises or dwelling that is the subject of the hearing or determination by the Residential Housing Assistance Board shall be precluded from sitting on the Residential Housing Assistance Board for that particular hearing or determination.
   (d)   The Board may meet as many times per year as it determines is appropriate under the circumstances. However, the Board shall meet at least once annually in the last quarter of the year.
   (e)   Meetings shall commence at a time and place designated by the Residential Housing Assistance Board. No business shall proceed without a quorum present. A quorum shall consist of a majority of members appointed to the Residential Housing Assistance Board.
   (f)   The Residential Housing Assistance Board shall, by its own vote, elect at the first meeting of each year a chairperson who shall preside at each meeting as well as a vice chairperson who shall preside in the absence of the chairperson.
   (g)   The Residential Housing Assistance Board is a public board and shall meet the requirements of the open records and meetings provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, Codified Ordinances of the City of Fairlawn and Charter of the City of Fairlawn.
(Ord. 2004-085S. Passed 12-20-04; Ord. 2006-046. Passed 6-19-06; Ord. 2006-065. Passed 9-18-06; Ord. 2006-087. Passed 10-2-06; Ord. 2006-102A. Passed 2-5-06; Ord. 2007-060. Passed 9-4-07; Ord. 2009-006. Passed 2-23-09; Ord. 2012-063A. Passed 10-1-12; Ord. 2016-091A. Passed 1-23-17; Ord. Passed 2022-042A. Passed 11-21-22.)