(a)   The composition and Table of Organization of the Department of Public Service shall be as follows:
      (1)   One (1) Service Director
      (2)   One (1) Administrative Secretary
      (3)   Two (2) Deputy Directors of Public Service
      (4)   One (1) Superintendent
      (5)   Three (3) Supervisors
      (6)   Three (3) full-time Mechanics
      (7)   Three (3) full-time Groundskeepers
      (8)   Four (4) full-time Street Repairmen
      (9)   Three (3) full-time Custodians
      (10)   Such other part-time Laborers and Seasonal Laborers as needed
   (b)   The Department of Public Service Table of Organization is only for illustration purposes and is subject to Councilmanic funding.
   (c)   The positions of Deputy Director of Public Service, Superintendent, Supervisor, Mechanic, Groundskeeper, Street Repairman, Custodian and Administrative Secretary shall be full-time positions the compensation for which shall be subject to Councilmanic approval.
   (d)   The duties of an employee in the Department shall specifically be those assigned to him by the Director of Public Service. From time to time and on an irregular and temporary basis, as the needs of the City may reasonably require, the Director may require of any employee in the Department to perform any or all of the duties of any position in addition to or instead of his own.
(Ord. 2006-080A. Passed 10-16-06.)