(A)   The charges for the combined waterworks and sewerage service and for water service alone and for sewer service alone shall be payable on the first day of each month succeeding the month during which the service was furnished or was available. If any charge is not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is due, a penalty of 10% of the amount due shall be added thereto and collected therewith. The water supply may be shut off from any premises for which the water bill remains unpaid for a period of 20 days after the bill is rendered and mailed. When shut off, water shall not be turned on except upon the payment of the original water charge, interest if any and the usual fee for turning on water, as provided in § 54.008.
   (B)   The City Collector shall terminate water and/or sewer service for nonpayment of water and/or sewer utility service pursuant to notice and procedure as provided in §§ 50.01 through 50.03.
(1986 Code, § 7.08.110) (Ord. 1240, passed - -1984; Ord. 1433, passed - -1995; Ord. 22-0412-282, passed 4-12-2022)