(A)   The Council shall determine, by a majority vote of its members, the frequency, dates and times of regular meetings in order to properly conduct its business. At the beginning of each term, the Council shall determine and publicly announce the times, dates and places of meetings to be held other than at the Municipal building for the sole purpose of obtaining citizen comments and input into the affairs of the City.
   (B)   Special meetings of the Council may be called, for any purpose by the Mayor or any two members of the Council upon at least twelve hours written notice to the Mayor and each member of the Council, which notice may be served personally or left at the usual place of residence. Members of the Council and the Mayor who attend special meetings of the Council or who are present at another regular or special meeting where a special meeting is announced by the presiding officer need not receive notice of the special meeting. Any member of Council may waive notice of a special meeting of the Council, either prior or subsequent to the meeting. The Council may consider and act on only those matters that are announced at another regular or special meeting of the Council or specifically set forth in the notice or waiver of the special meeting; provided such other matters that are related to the matters so announced or set forth in the notice or waiver of the special meeting may also be considered and acted upon.