(a)   The City Manager or designee is hereby authorized to establish and collect charges for emergency medical services transport provided by the City of Fairfield Fire Department and/or its contractors from third parties who provide insurance or other reimbursement to residents and non-residents who receive such emergency medical service transport, including Basic Life Support (BLS); Advanced Life Support Services (ALS 1 + 2) and Ambulance Service Transport mileage for both ALS and BLS transports provided.
   (b)   The charges for emergency medical services transport established by the City Manager or designee shall be based upon the usual, reasonable and customary charges prevailing in the Southwestern Ohio area as well as the actual costs of providing the emergency medical services. The City Manager or designee is authorized to amend these charges on an annual basis and to consider the rate of inflation as determined by the U.S. Government in addition when making such amendments.
   (c)   Emergency medical service personnel will make reasonable efforts to obtain accurate information required by the third party billing company for billing purposes.
   (d)   The City Manager or designee will be authorized to write off or forgive any charges deemed to be uncollectable after reasonable efforts to collect such charges.
(Ord. 1-04. Passed 1-12-04.)