(a)   When salamanders or other temporary heating devices are used, if a temporary heating plant is impracticable and until a permanent heating plant is installed, they shall not be set on combustible flooring or platforms unless thoroughly insulated therefrom by a bed of slag or cold ashes not less than four inches thick, or by other efficient protection, extending at least two feet horizontally beyond such devices on all sides. The legs of such devices, which shall be at least twelve inches long, shall rest on the insulation, and shall not extend through it.
   (b)   Such devices shall be so located that there is a clearance of not less than six feet above nor less than two and one-half feet on all sides, between such device and unprotected woodwork or combustible material, equipment or construction. Nor shall such devices be placed within ten feet in any direction of tarpaulins or canvas covers, except as such tarpaulins or covers are flameproofed in an approved manner.
   (c)   Salamanders and similar heating devices shall be of a substantial type with protective screen covers, and shall be under constant supervision so long as they are in use. (Ord. 46-13. Passed 5-28-13.)