§ 17.140.010 PURPOSE AND INTENT.
   (A)   The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that new residential and nonresidential development projects contribute to the availability and attainment of decent, affordable housing to a broad range of households with varying income levels throughout the Town of Fairfax.
   (B)   These requirements implement the town's housing element by assisting in meeting the town's regional housing needs allocations, providing funding to facilitate affordable housing development, and affirmatively furthering fair housing by ensuring that affordable housing is constructed in all parts of the town.
   (C)   The Town Council desires to provide and maintain affordable housing opportunities through an affordable housing in-lieu fee, the funds of which will be deposited into the Affordable Housing Fund to be used in the development of affordable housing and related programs in the town. The commercial/nonresidential linkage fee requirements will assist in alleviating the impacts of the demand for new affordable housing created by new nonresidential developments.
(Ord. 884, passed 11-1-2023)