The Director of Public Works shall keep an accurate account of the cost of abating the nuisance and the removal of any such obstruction, and shall render an itemized report in writing to the Town Council, showing the cost of the removal and abatement; provided that, before the report is submitted to the Town Council, a copy of same shall be posted for at least three days prior thereto on the property from which the obstruction was removed or nuisance abated, together with a notice of the time when the report shall be submitted to the Town Council for confirmation.
(Prior Code, § 8.24.090)
(A) At the time fixed for receiving and confirming the report of the Director of Public Works, the Town Council shall hear the same, together with any objection which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the work of abating the nuisance or removal of the obstruction, and the Town Council shall thereupon make the modification in the report as they may deem necessary, after which, by resolution, the report shall be confirmed.
(B) The amounts of the cost for abating the nuisance or removal of the obstruction from any property mentioned in the report shall constitute a special assessment against the parcel of land, and after thus made and confirmed, shall constitute a lien on the property for the amount of the assessment. After confirmation of the report, a copy thereof shall be turned over to the Assessor and the Tax Collector, whereupon it shall be the duty of the officers to add the amounts of the assessment to the next regular bill for taxes levied against the lot or parcel for municipal purposes, and the lien shall be collected in the same manner as other general municipal taxes. The amount of costs for removal hereinabove mentioned shall be and constitute the personal obligation of the owner of the property, and the Town Council may enforce the obligation by suit at law.
(Prior Code, § 8.24.100)
It is unlawful to build, construct or reconstruct any retaining wall, crib wall, bulkhead, bridge or other structure in, over, across or upon any creek, or to remove any tree within the flood level of any creek in the town, without first securing a permit.
(Prior Code, § 8.24.110) (Ord. 496, passed - -1982; Am. Ord. 499, passed - -1982)
Any person who desires to build, construct or maintain any structure described in § 8.28.110 shall apply for a permit therefor to the Building Inspector. The application shall be accompanied by:
(1) An affidavit in writing by the applicant, stating the following:
The structure to be built shall not intrude into the creek beyond the point of any structure which it replaces or beyond the creekbed’s previous bank; and
(b) The applicant/owner agrees to hold the town harmless from the claims of any and all persons who may assert any damage by reason of the placement of the structure.
(2) An affidavit in writing by the project engineer stating that, in the opinion of the engineer,
the structure will not significantly change the course of the creek in a manner which creates a hydraulic impact on other property according to accepted engineering standards.
(B) An application for a tree removal permit shall be made pursuant to Chapter 12.44 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 8.24.120) (Ord. 496, passed - -1982; Am. Ord. 499, passed - -1982; Am. Ord. 511, passed - -1983)
Forthwith, the Building Inspector shall refer each application to a designated staff member who will check the project for compliance with design criteria adopted from time to time by resolution of the Town Council. These design criteria may impose reasonable restrictions, such as requiring textured treatment of exposed concrete and suitable landscaping of fill and excavation made in the construction of the structures, including, but not limited to redwood timbers.
(Prior Code, § 8.24.130) (Ord. 496, passed - -1982; Am. Ord. 499, passed - -1982)