It is unlawful for any person to erect, establish or maintain any dog kennel or pet shop without first obtaining a permit from the Town Council. The granting of the permit shall be in the discretion of the Town Council, which shall take into consideration the type of construction to be employed as it relates to sanitation and manner in which the animals, birds or fowl are to be housed, as well as the character of the person making application and the zoning regulations as may now be in effect or adopted from time to time. The Town Council may appoint the Poundkeeper as its agent to act in its behalf in investigating applications for the permits.
(Prior Code, § 6.08.020)
Upon the issuance of a pet shop or dog kennel permit by the Town Council, the applicant shall pay to the town an annual fee as set by resolution of the Town Council for the privilege of maintaining the dog kennel or pet shop.
(B) The permit and fee shall be for the calendar year or any part thereof during which the dog kennel or pet shop shall be maintained and shall be due and payable in advance on January 1 of each year and shall expire on December 31 of the same year, provided the permit has not been revoked.
(Prior Code, § 6.08.030)
(A) The permit for the maintenance and operation of a dog kennel or pet shop pursuant to this chapter may be revoked at any time for cause when, in the opinion of the Town Council or its agent, the dog kennel or pet shop is not being properly maintained or operated from the standpoint of sanitation of the premises or proper care of the animals, birds or fowl.
(B) Upon revocation, the permit issued by the town for the then current calendar year shall be null and void, and the entire fee paid for the annual permit shall be forfeited.
(Prior Code, § 6.08.050)