   (a)   No conduct constitutes a criminal offense against the Municipality unless it is defined as an offense in the Codified Ordinances or any other Municipal ordinance.
   (b)   An offense is defined when one or more sections of the Codified Ordinances state a positive prohibition or enjoin a specific duty, and provide a penalty for violation of such prohibition or failure to meet such duty.
   (c)   This section does not affect the power of a court to punish for contempt or to employ any sanction authorized by law to enforce an order, civil judgment or decree.
(ORC 2901.03)
   (a)   Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) hereof, sections of the Codified Ordinances defining offenses or penalties shall be strictly construed against the Municipality and liberally construed in favor of the accused.
   (b)   Rules of criminal procedure and sections of the Ohio Revised Code providing for criminal procedure shall be construed so as to effect the fair, impartial, speedy and sure administration of justice.
   (c)   Any provision of a section of the Codified Ordinances that refers to a previous conviction of or plea of guilty to a violation of a section of the Codified Ordinances or Ohio Revised Code or of a division of a section of the Codified Ordinances or Ohio Revised Code shall be construed to also refer to a previous conviction of or plea of guilty to a substantially equivalent offense under an existing or former law of this State, another state, or the United States or under an existing or former municipal ordinance.
   (d)   Any provision of the Codified Ordinances that refers to a section, or to a division of a section, of the Codified Ordinances that defines or specifies a criminal offense shall be construed to also refer to an existing or former law of this State, another state, or the United States, to an existing or former municipal ordinance, or to an existing or former division of any such existing or former law or ordinance that defines or specifies, or that defined or specified, a substantially equivalent offense. (ORC 2901.04)
   (a)    A person is subject to misdemeanor prosecution and punishment in this Municipality if any of the following occur:
      (1)   The person commits an offense under the laws of this Municipality, any element of which takes place in this Municipality.
      (2)   While in this Municipality, the person attempts to commit, or is guilty of complicity in the commission of, an offense in another jurisdiction, which offense is an offense under both the laws of this Municipality or this State and the other jurisdiction, or, while in this Municipality, the person conspires to commit an offense in another jurisdiction, which offense is an offense under both the laws of this Municipality or this State and the other jurisdiction, and a substantial overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy is undertaken in this Municipality by the person or another person involved in the conspiracy, subsequent to the person’s entrance into the conspiracy. In any case in which a person attempts to commit, is guilty of complicity in the commission of, or conspires to commit an offense in another jurisdiction as described in this subsection, the person is subject to criminal prosecution and punishment in this Municipality for the attempt, complicity, or conspiracy, and for any resulting offense that is committed or completed in the other jurisdiction.
      (3)   While out of this Municipality, the person conspires or attempts to commit, or is guilty of complicity in the commission of, an offense in this Municipality.
      (4)   While out of this Municipality, the person omits to perform a legal duty imposed by the laws of this Municipality, which omission affects a legitimate interest of the Municipality in protecting, governing or regulating any person, property, thing, transaction or activity in this Municipality.
      (5)   While out of this Municipality, the person unlawfully takes or retains property and subsequently brings any of the unlawfully taken or retained property into this Municipality.
      (6)   While out of this Municipality, the person unlawfully takes or entices another and subsequently brings the other person into this Municipality.
      (7)   The person, by means of a computer, computer system, computer network, telecommunication, telecommunications device, telecommunications service, or information service, causes or knowingly permits any writing, data, image, or other telecommunication to be disseminated or transmitted into this Municipality in violation of the law of this Municipality.
   (b)   This Municipality includes the land and water within its boundaries and the air space above such land and water, and real property outside the corporate limits, with respect to which this Municipality has either exclusive or concurrent legislative jurisdiction. Where the boundary between this Municipality and another jurisdiction is disputed, the disputed territory is conclusively presumed to be within this Municipality for purposes of this section.
   (c)   When an offense is committed under the laws of this Municipality, and it appears beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense or any element of the offense took place either in this Municipality or in another jurisdiction or jurisdictions, but it cannot reasonably be determined in which it took place, the offense or element is conclusively presumed to have taken place in this Municipality for purposes of this section.
   (d)   When a person is subject to criminal prosecution and punishment in this Municipality for an offense committed or completed outside of this Municipality, the person is subject to all specifications for that offense that would be applicable if the offense had been committed within this Municipality.
   (e)   Any act, conduct, or element that is a basis of a person being subject under this section to criminal prosecution and punishment in this Municipality need not be committed personally by the person as long as it is committed by another person who is in complicity or conspiracy with the person.
   (f)   This section shall be liberally construed, consistent with constitutional limitations, to allow this Municipality the broadest possible jurisdiction over offenses and persons committing offenses in, or affecting, this Municipality.
   (g)   For purposes of subsection (a)(2) of this section, an overt act is substantial when it is of a character that manifests a purpose on the part of the actor that the object of the conspiracy should be completed.
   (h)   As used in this section, “computer”, “computer system”, “computer network”, “information service”, “telecommunication”, “telecommunications device”, “telecommunications service”, “data”, and “writing” have the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 2913.01.
(ORC 2901.11)