Off-street parking accessory to a principally or conditionally permitted use may be provided on a separate noncontiguous lot in all non-residential zoning districts, subject to the following requirements:
   (a)   No more than one noncontiguous lot for each use shall be permitted for such off-street parking.
   (b)   The noncontiguous parking lot shall be within 400 feet of the building and 300 feet of the lot containing the principal or conditional use.
   (c)   The noncontiguous parking lot shall be under the same ownership as the lot containing the principal or conditional use, or a private parking easement shall be secured.
   (d)   The noncontiguous parking lot shall not contain a principally permitted or conditionally permitted building or use.
   (e)   All contiguous and noncontiguous off-street parking for a permitted use shall be located within the same zoning district.
   (f)   All noncontiguous off-street parking shall be used solely for the parking of private passenger vehicles.
   (g)   Said noncontiguous accessory parking shall only be permitted within the periods one hour before, one hour after and during the hours of operation of the principally or conditionally permitted use.
   (h)   The right to permanently use said noncontiguous lot for accessory parking shall be established by deed, parking easement, lease, or similar recorded covenant or agreement, and shall be approved as to form and content by the City Solicitor and appropriately filed in the Greene County, Ohio recorder's office.
   (i)   All other applicable requirements of this Chapter shall be met prior to the use of a noncontiguous parking lot.
      (Ord. 34-17. Effective 12-7-17.)