The general and permanent ordinances of the City of Fairborn so revised, rearranged, compiled, renumbered as to sections and codified are hereby approved and adopted, and, with the exception of the Building Code, the same shall be printed and published in book form, in the manner and method provided in Section 101.13, as "The Codified Ordinances of the City of Fairborn, Ohio, 1955," and when so printed, published and assembled in complete book form and certified as correct by the Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be admitted in evidence and accepted by the courts and all persons as to the existence, effectiveness and regularity of all enactments so published in such book form, as of the effective date designated herein.
   One copy of "The Codified Ordinances of the City of Fairborn, Ohio, 1955," upon printing and certification as to correctness thereof in such book form by the Mayor and the City Clerk, shall be attached to this ordinance as a part hereof and filed and retained as the permanent ordinance record of the City of Fairborn.
(Ord. 37-55. Passed 8-15-55.)