Prior to submitting the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall meet with the Community Development Department to discuss early and informally the purpose and effect of these regulations and the criteria and standards contained therein; and to familiarize the developer with planned projects, and the drainage, sewerage and water systems of the City. The subdivider should submit a sketch plan, legibly drawn at a suitable scale and containing the following information:
   (a)    The proposed subdivision in relation to existing community facilities, thoroughfares and other transportation modes, shopping centers, manufacturing establishments, residential developments and existing natural and manmade features such as soil types, vegetation, contours and utilities in the neighboring area;
   (b)    The layout and acreage of streets, lots and any nonresidential sites such as commercial, manufacturing, school or recreational uses within the proposed subdivision;
   (c)    The location of utilities in the proposed subdivision, if available, or the locations of the nearest sources for water and public facilities;
(d)    The scale and title of the subdivision, north arrow and the date; and
(e)    The name, address and telephone number of owners and developers.
      (Ord. 15-89. Passed 4-3-89.)