(a) Buffer Plan Required. For any landscaped buffer required by this chapter a plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission to review for compliance with these regulations and any other application regulations. The plan shall show the location of driveway entrances, provisions for vehicular and pedestrian circulation, the location of sidewalks on or adjacent to the property, the location of utilities, barriers, shelters and signs, the location of landscaped areas and the types and location of vegetation to be planted in them and any other relevant information requested by the Planning Commission.
(b) Types of Buffers. The following types of landscaped buffers shall be required, as applicable, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(1) Thoroughfare buffer.
A. Purpose. The purpose of a thoroughfare buffer is to shield or enhance views into a parking lot, establish coordination among diverse buildings, setbacks and uses, to retain the quality of the environment by providing appropriate vertical mass in keeping with dimensions of horizontal voids, and to diminish the presence of wires/poles, lights and other clutter along the public right-of-way.
B. Thoroughfare buffer requirements. All parcels with frontage on a thoroughfare as defined in § 1242.04 shall provide a landscaped buffer along the property line abutting the right-of-way of the public road when developed or redeveloped.
1. General provisions.
a. The thoroughfare buffer shall have a depth of ten feet or greater, shall be located adjacent to the right-of-way and shall extend along the entire road frontage.
b. No parking or pavement shall be allowed in the thoroughfare buffer except for intersecting drives or required walkways.
Landscape material shall be required in accordance with Figure 1260.04(A).
c. The thoroughfare buffer is subject to the limitations in § 1260.08 regarding clear sight triangle distance.
2. Determination of thoroughfare buffer requirements. To determine the required landscape materials the following procedure shall be followed:
Determine width of buffer. Although the width of the buffer is typically measured parallel to the property line, design variations are allowed. The options for landscape material minimum quantity requirements as found in Figure 1260.04(A) are given as minimum number of plants required per 100 linear feet.
a. Determine the length of a required thoroughfare buffer. Measure the length along the street right-of-way that requires the buffer and subtract any length covered by a clear sight triangle under § 1260.08.
Determine thoroughfare landscape material quantity requirements. Divide the length of the required thoroughfare buffer by 100. Multiply the result by the number of plants for the required thoroughfare buffer shown in Figure 1260.04(A).
b. All thoroughfare landscape material quantity requirements shall remain within the designated area and shall otherwise meet the standards of the thoroughfare buffer.
Thoroughfare buffers. The minimum landscaping in thoroughfare buffers shall be provided in accordance with Figure 1260.04(A).
(2) Greenbelt/district boundary buffer. The greenbelt/district boundary buffer shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Purpose. The greenbelt/boundary buffer is for the purpose of reducing the potential conflicts between residential uses and nonresidential uses.
B. Requirements of the greenbelt and district boundary buffer.
1. Rear yard buffer yard. Where a parcel in the OR, GC or HC district abuts the R Residential District on its rear lot line, that parcel is required to have a minimum 60-foot deep rear setback.
2. Side yard buffer yard. Where a parcel in the OR, GC or HC district abuts the R Residential District on its side lot line, that parcel is required to have a minimum 60-foot deep side setback.
3. Obstruction prohibited. Structures, pavement, signage, and all other site improvements are prohibited within the required greenbelt/boundary buffer yard.
Minimum landscaping materials. The greenbelt/boundary buffer yard shall be landscaped with at least the minimum number of plantings as indicated in Figure 1260.04(B). Existing trees and shrubs may be counted toward the requirements if they meet the standards established in § 1260.07.
C. Additional standards for relief. In addition to the relief that Planning Commission is authorized to give per the criteria in § 1260.10, Planning Commission may also consider the following factors in reducing or eliminating the greenbelt buffer.
1. The presence of considerable changes in topography on either the residential or commercial properties that provide for a natural buffer between the uses;
2. The R-zoned parcel or parcels which the subject property abuts consist of Village-owned park, farm, or conservation land; and
3. Where the applicant of the subject property donates a portion of the parcel as greenbelt to the Village in accordance with the requirements of the following § 1260.04(b)(2)D.
D. Procedure for granting a reduction in minimum greenbelt/district boundary buffer area in connection with a donation of greenbelt land to village.
1. The applicant of the subject property shall submit a site plan to the body from whom the greenbelt reduction is granted that shows the proposed lot split of the greenbelt parcel from the subject property.
2. The body from whom the applicant is seeking the reduction in greenbelt depth may condition the reduction or variance upon the successful subdivision and transfer of the greenbelt parcel to the Village.
3. When so conditioned, no certificate of occupancy of any type may be transferred until the applicant obtains approval of the lot split or subdivision from the Planning Commission and the Village has received the title to the greenbelt parcel.
(c) General Standards Applicable To All Landscaped Buffers.
(1) Containment of landscaped areas. All landscaped buffers located adjacent to a parking area or lot or adjacent to any public right-of-way shall be designed to properly contain all landscaping materials and to prevent encroachment by vehicles through the use of curbs, ties, depressed construction, or similar techniques.
(2) Artificial materials prohibited. No artificial materials shall be used to satisfy the requirements of this chapter.
(3) Location of landscaping materials. Plant materials shall be selected, planted, and maintained so that such materials, at maturity, shall not interfere with utility facilities or public rights-of-way and related facilities.
(4) Maintenance requirements. Except for accessory uses expressly permitted to be located in required yards, all yards and open space between and around structures and off-street parking and loading areas and lots shall be landscaped and kept free of accumulations of garbage, trash, refuse, debris, and other unsightly or nuisance creating materials. All landscaping shall be continually maintained by the owner or other person responsible for maintenance of the premises, and all planting areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. Undeveloped areas shall be mowed and kept free of accumulations of garbage, trash, refuse, debris, and other unsightly or nuisance creating materials until developed.
(Ord. 12-64. Passed 3-12-13; Ord. 18-07. Passed 3-13-18.)