(A) Carriages must be kept in good working order and maintained in a clean and attractive manner.
(B) All carriages will have no less than one and one-fourth inch spoked wheels with a rubber covering thick enough to protect the streets from damage and to keep noise to a minimum.
(C) Warning taillights must be mounted at the rear of the carriage and be operated in a flashing mode continuously while the carriage is in traffic and conform to all applicable requirements of the California Vehicle Code.
(D) All carriages must be fitted with reflected decals on both shafts of the carriage at the shoulder of the horse.
(E) All carriages must have the rated seating capacity posted on the vehicle.
(F) Carriages may not ferry more people than the carriage was designed to hold.
(G) No one other than the driver, a company employee or apprentice may sit in the driver's seat.
(H) All carriages must be equipped with a horn or warning device in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 40 feet, but may not emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound.
(I) Carriages/animals must be able to immediately remove any and all horse droppings from the streets or public rights-of-way, or to prevent such droppings on the streets and public rights-of-way.
(J) Carriages may not travel at a speed faster than a slow trot.
(K) Each carriage must be equipped with hydraulic brakes capable of stopping the carriage and adjusted so as to provide equal braking to each wheel without locking.
(L) It is unlawful for any person to molest, distract or interfere with any horse, driver, or carriage. (Ord. 914-C.S., passed 4-20-21)