(A) Any person who seeks to own or keep eleven or more exotic animals within the city ("licensee") must first apply for an exotic animal fancier's license ("license") and pay an annual license fee in an amount prescribed by resolution of the City Council. No person who has been denied a license may keep more than ten exotic animals on any property for any reason.
(B) Any license fee must be paid prior to obtaining an eleventh exotic animal and thereafter on or before the first day of July of every year. If a license fee is not paid on or before the 31st day of July, the licensee will be required to pay an additional late fee as prescribed by resolution of the City Council.
(C) If a license fee is not paid by August 31st, an Animal Control Officer may give the licensee 30 days to remove any excess animals from its property or bring their license status into compliance.
(D) Any Animal Control Officer or peace officer will be authorized to seize any excess animals at the end of the 30-day period. The animals will be subject to regular impound procedures, and the licensee may claim the animals if it pays the required impound fees and shows proof it has paid all outstanding license fees.
(E) An Animal Control Officer may at any time Monday through Friday during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. enter onto the premises of any licensee to inspect the premises. The purpose of such inspection will be to ensure that the licensee's premises are being maintained in a sanitary and proper condition, and that the premises have not been permitted to become a nuisance or detriment to the community. Nothing in this section may be construed to supersede the Fourth Amendment or state law regarding search and seizure.
(F) If the Animal Control Officer finds that the licensee's premises are not maintained in a sanitary and proper manner, the Animal Control Officer may revoke the license for the premises. Once the license has been revoked, the licensee will have 30 days to remove any excess animals from the premises or resolve the issue.
(Ord. 914-C.S., passed 4-20-21)