§ 56.35 PAVING.
   (A)   Asphalt pavement shall be placed in conformance with the City Standards and Caltrans Standard Specifications Section 39 Asphalt Concrete.
   (B)   Trenches shall be paved in accordance with the City of Eureka Standards and the following requirements:
      (1)   After the trench has been backfilled, and immediately prior to placing asphalt concrete, the existing asphalt concrete shall be saw cut, or milled according to City of Eureka Standards, to a vertical face.
      (2)   The cut shall be a "T-Cut" according to City of Eureka Standards and the new asphalt concrete paving shall be butt joined to the existing asphalt concrete vertical face. No feathering of new paving to existing paving is allowed. The vertical faces shall be tack coated.
      (3)   To allow for proper placement of the new pavement section, damaged pavement outside of the original trench cut lines shall be removed by cutting in lines perpendicular to or parallel to the original trench lines. No diagonal cuts are to be made.
      (4)   Undamaged pavement of five feet or less between two damaged areas shall also be removed.
      (5)   "T-Cap" section shall be in accordance with the City of Eureka Standards and shall include a minimum of 1.5" of Asphalt Concrete Pavement.
      (6)   Projects which will result in more than 15% or more of the surface to be T-capped in any segment of roadway, shall require full lane width paving. Curb returns will be used as reference points for calculations and limits of paving and for these purposes, are included within the area of the intersections. The actual limits of paving however, will be determined by the City Engineer and may be extended to include projects which, begin or end mid-section or continue over multiple city blocks.
   (C)   Pavement shall be restored within 14 working days from the time the entire trench is backfilled, unless delay is excused due to circumstances beyond the contractor's control, such as inclement weather.
   (D)   For minor excavations such as service installations, the pavement shall be restored with in 30 working days from the time the entire trench is backfilled, unless delay is excused due to circumstances beyond the contractor's control, such as inclement weather.
   (E)   All damaged pavement markings and striping shall be replaced and restored by the permittee within 14 days of pavement restoration.
(Ord. 887-C.S., passed 8-6-19)