(A)   Categorical exclusions. The following categories of development within specified geographic areas of the coastal zone pursuant to the Categorical Exclusion Order E-88-2 are exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter:
      (1)   The construction, reconstruction, demolition, or alteration of the size, type or intensity of any development of a principally permitted use or uses in the areas of the Eureka Coastal Zone that are zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial development, except for the following:
         (a)   Public works facilities or improvements costing more than $250,000.
         (b)   The development involves demolition of a structure of architectural or historic significance.
      (2)   The clearing of land and/or removal of vegetation.
      (3)   Lot line and boundary adjustments as defined in Cal. Gov't Code § 66412(d) (Subdivision Map Act) between two or more existing adjacent parcels, where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel, and where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby created.
      (4)   Grading of less than 100 cubic yards.
      (5)   Permits for encroachment into public rights-of-way.
      (6)   (a)   Construction, reconstruction, upgrading, replacement, rehabilitation, or installation of all public works and public facilities (including, but not limited to utility extensions, road improvements, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, street planting, water and sewer systems and the removal of architectural barriers to handicapped persons) costing $250,000 or less.
         (b)   The upgrading of streets to current city standards within existing rights-of-way where no additional right-of-way is being obtained allowing, however for minor right-of-way acquisitions at intersections.
      (7)   Wall mounted signs, located on-site, less than 24 square feet in size, nor higher than the vertical wall to which they are attached, located within the “CW,” “CS,” or “CP” zoning designations of the Eureka Local Coastal Program, except as follows: Lots or parcels within or visible from scenic coastal resource areas, as defined in the Eureka Local Coastal Program.
      (8)   Subdivision and parcel maps of five parcels or less.
('63 Code, § 10-5.29304.1)
   (B)   Notice of excluded development. A permit issued by the city for a development which is exempt from the coastal development permit requirements, shall be exempt from the notice and hearing requirements of this chapter. The city shall maintain a record for all permits issued for excluded development which shall be made available to the Coastal Commission or any interested person upon request. This record may be in the form of any record of permits issued currently maintained by the city, provided that such record include the applicant's name, the location of the project and brief description of the project.
('63 Code, § 10-5.29304.2)
(Ord. 519-C.S., passed 8-26-90)