The City recognizes substantial economic, environmental and aesthetic importance of trees and plantings within the community and public streets acknowledging that:
   (A)   Tree-lined streets help to make a city safer and more livable by: calming and slowing traffic; making it safer for children to walk and bicycle to school; welcoming pedestrians and bicyclists and encouraging healthful exercise; reducing noise levels in neighborhoods; fostering community pride and ownership, which have been shown to reduce crime; and
   (B)   Tree-lined streets contribute to a prosperous and robust local economy by increasing residential property values; improving the attractiveness of business districts; enticing outside businesses and industries seeking to relocate; making the city more inviting to residents and tourists; and
   (C)   Tree-lined streets help to increase a city's tax base by making the city more attractive to potential homeowners and businesses; and
   (D)   Tree-lined streets contribute to a healthier environment by enticing people to live in the city closer to their jobs; thereby, saving time and energy required for commuting by helping to slow global warming; and
   (E)   Trees must be carefully chosen and placed in order to avoid potentially adverse effects on buildings, solar access, sidewalks and automobiles; and
   (F)   It shall be the City's policy to utilize applicable techniques, methods and procedures to preserve, whenever feasible, all trees and plantings on City property; to facilitate continued planned replacement and future planting by the City and adjacent property owners; facilitate the permit process for new street plantings; and to establish maintenance responsibility for all street plantings.
(Ord. 723-C.S., passed 3-18-08)